Chapter 19

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Jin Ling and Sizhui met up with the rest of their friends the next day. They were all at Xue Yang's house. The trailer was brought to his house and now they had to put their stuff in. Just because they were rich doesn't mean they always have to use luxurious stuff. The trailer was pretty big. It had enough space to for them all and a small kitchen.

It was around 10 when they actually hooked the trailer to the car and started driving. They had all decided on a camping area called (insert name). It was a very pretty and green area. There was also a river where you could fish. The boys were all very excited. They had enough food to last the week. Jin Ling, Xingchen, and JingYi had all made sure about it.

The drive to the camp site was a little far away. They would reach in about an five hours. The whole drive consisted of laughing, singing, and talking about random stuff. Finally the hour was up and they reached the camping site. They all jumped out after parking the trailer in an empty spot in the camp ground.

"My legs! They hurt I have been sitting for to long!" Zizhen complained .

JingYi came to him and smacked his head, "it was only an a few hours don't exaggerate." They kept bickering with each other while the other boys fixed up the area.

Jin Ling and Xingchen unpacked and got some food out. Sizhui and Due Yang on the other hand got the chairs out and wiped of the table. The boys inside made some sandwiches. Once all the work was done Zizhen and JingYi joined them.

They were eating their sandwiches talking and have g fun, when another trailer pulled up beside them. The girl who wanted to kiss Sizhui and claimed to be his girlfriend walked out followed by her two friends. Each friend was crushing on one of the boys. One was crushing on Xue Yang, the other on Zizhen, and the first girl was crushing on Sizhui.

When Jin Ling saw the three girls he felt uncomfortable and since he was done eating, he walked into the trailer. The three girls.from the trailer next to them came up and introduced themselves.

"Hi, my name is Emily." Emily said smiling seductively.

" I am A-Qing. " she introduced herself.

"And I am Zoey Meng." She flipped her hair and but her lip.

Jin Ling came out of the trailer when he heard feminine voices outside. He was not surprised to see the one who wanted to steal his boyfriend, but it looked like the other two were after his other friends. He was angered. This was suppose to be a fun only boys trip! There was nothing be could do.

Zoey saw him and smirked. She walked towards Sizhui and sat on his lap! This enraged Jin Ling, she had no right to do that. Sizhui was his boyfriend. Jin Ling decided to wait and see what Sizhui would do before he(JL) took action.

Sizhui looked uncomfortable and said, "Will you please get of." She did not listen and instead started caressing Sizhui's cheek.

She was sneaking glances at Jin Ling while she did this to see his reaction. It really satisfied her seeing Jin Ling with angry eyes. A year was about to escape his eye Sizhui was not really doing anything to get her off. He was about to head inside when he heard, " I will not repeat myself, please get off me and I have a boyfriend. " he slightly pushed her off, and walked to where Jin Ling was standing.

Zoey saw all this and was angered. How could Sizhui pick him over her. She was beautiful and many boys wanted to be with her. The boy she wanted had to like someone else. "'I will not give up and some day you will be mine. " she mumbled before storming off.

Her two friends followed her back into their trailer. "A-Qing an lucky with Xue Yang? And you Emily any luck on Zizhen?" Both girls shook their heads.

" We have a week, ugh I can't believe I agreed to living in a small stinky trailer. " Zoey complained. She flipped her hair and stormed off into her sleeping area to cool off.

"Do you think she is going a bit overboard? Sizhui already had a boyfriend. Maybe it was a bad idea to come I would give up Xue Yang if he was with some one already. " A-Q ing said.

"Don't be ridiculous we came here for a reason, and I will get my Zizhen not matter the cost." Emily said, and to walked away to where Zoey was.

" My friends are crazy they shouldn't go after some one if they already have a partner and many boys like them already... " A-Qing mumbled sitting on the sofa inside the trailer.

(With the boys)

"A-Ling I don't like her please forgive me I won't talk to her anymore I promise." Sizhui had been trying to get Jin Ling to talk to him for more than 30 minutes now. Jin Ling ignored Sizhui and instead sat on the sofa bed.

Sizhui knew there was nothing he could do, but he kept trying. He sat down beside Jin Ling and pulled him on his lap. Jin Ling shrieked when he landed in Sizhui's lap.

"I have had enough look at me," Jin Ling was a bit afraid he kept his head down, " Jin Ling look at me. " Sizhui's tone walked sent chills down Jin Ling's back. Reluctantly Jin Ling looks up at Sizhui.

"I only love you, don't forget it. When I love some one I never cheat on them and love them forever ." Sizhui kisses Jin Ling's nose and hugged him tightly.

Jin Ling was very happy and knew Sizhui would not cheat on him. But there were still some insecure thoughts lingering about.

When night approached the six boys met outside. They were going to have a bun fire. Xue Yang was working on the fire and JingYi had just come back with some wood. Once Due Yang for the fire going he say back on his chair.

"Baby come here." He said. Xingchen went up to him and before he could say anything Xue Yang pulled him down.

Xingchen started blushing when he noticed the position. Xue Yang was holding into to him like as if his life depended on it. Xingchen quickly slapped Xue Yang's hands away and for up. Me to his own chair and sat down next to Xue Yang who was pouting.

The rest of the boys laughed at what had just happened. They were all seated next to there lovers. Except Zizhen and JingYi, they were seated next to each other but who knows why their relationship was.

The night was very peaceful and they were having fun laughing when they heard and irritating voice.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I a m guessing you already know who that is. Sorry for the late update, hope you enjoyed.

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