Chapter 7

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They drove back to the house where some of their friends where. The drive was only an hour long, during that time they got to talk about many things, and get to know each other better. Turns out they had many things in common. Now it was about noon and both were hungry, so they decided to grab some lunch. 

"Jin Ling lets go come on, we are getting some food." said Sizhui. Jin Ling being the stubborn child he is, refused, but Sizhui had a few tricks up his sleeve. "I guess I will have to carry you out of the car to get food"  

"Fine lets stop at a gas station and get some snacks after that we will head to your house and I will get my friends," Jin Ling, blushing, agreed. 

They stopped at the nearest gas station to get some snacks. Once inside both choose what they would eat, and went to check out. One person they did not expect to see there, and that was Wen Chao. (

"Hey cutie what brings you here," Wen Chao approached Jin Ling and put his arm around his (JL) shoulder, "and why is he with you?" Wen Chao said pointing, judgingly at Sizhui. 

"First get your arm off of my shoulder, and second he is my boyfriend," Jin Ling slapped Wen Chaos and walked over to Sizhui, who put his arm around Jin Ling's waist.

 "Sizhui you will pay for this he is mine, did you hear me, MINE!" with those words he (WC) was out of the store, and Jin Ling detached himself from Sizhui. 

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but I had to do something. Do you think you could act like my boyfriend and maybe he will stop pestering me."  Jin Ling scoffed and looked where Wen Chao had just been standing with a death stare. 

Inside of Sizhiu's mind it was a mess, he was freaking out, 'me! be his fake boyfriend, only fake boyfriend, don't get ahead of yourself. Well... at least I will get closer to him'  

"Come on lets just get some snacks and back on the road again ok?" Sizhui grabs Jin Lings hand and starts walking around with him. 

"that would be $14.99," the cashier said and put their food into a bag. Sizhui paid, and walked out of the store, followed by Jin Ling. 

Once in the car Sizhui got in the drivers seat, and started driving the last 30 minutes, while Jin Ling opened a bag of chips, "Didn't you say you were not hungry?" Sizhui was taking small peaks at Jin Ling while he ate, his (JL) cheeks look like chipmunk cheeks. 

"I wasn't hungry, but we stopped to get food so I am eating it, can't let it go to waste," Jin Ling snapped, and kept stuffing his mouth with chips. 

(Once they reach the house) 

Back at the house, everything was great. Xingchen and Xue Yang where there with Zizhen and JingYi. They were all eating since they had all just woken, and had decided to order take out. The door was opened half way through their meal, and in came Sizhui and Jin Ling. 

"Here come the love birds~" JingYi teased, while the two just ignored him, and walked to the table. 

"So where did you all go?" Zizhen 

"Did Sizhui take you to his secret apartment? How dare you take him first, I feel betrayed!" Xue Yang dramatically said. 

"Are you ok?" Xingchen

More questions proceeded, and they were answered, "Guys one question at the time, well yes I took him to the apartment, and he only had a headache this morning, so there is nothing to worry about." Sizhui replied.

(Time skip to Monday becuz nothing else happened) 

Today was Monday and all the kids were called into the auditorium before class started. The principle waited for everyone to enter, and then started.

"Children as you know we are nearing the yearly trip, *auditorium erupts in cheers* quiet down students, so we will be leaving in a week, so be ready. The school will be telling you all the things you need shortly, and who you are going to be paired up with, since we will be sharing with someone. Ok that is all you need to know right now, you are all excused to you classes now." The principle got of the stage, and followed the students out. 

"guys can you believe it I hope I get paired up with one of you guys or Xue Yang." Xingchen then started day dreaming.

"come one Xingchen, like really Xue Yang? out of all the other people? and do you remember that dare you put me? the one of making Sizhui fall for me and then break his heart? yet here you are falling for one his friends, you know he (XY) may be angry when I break his (SZ) heart, and then he will distance himself from you, and never want to see you again!" Jin Ling retorted, but those harsh words made his heart split. He really loved Sizhui since they were young, 'I don't think he remembers, and I really love him, the thought of breaking his heart, breaks mine." 

~flashback~  (there will be two flash backs one when the dare happens, and another one of the childhood, just a heads up)

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