Chapter 18

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Sizhui brushed the hair out of Jin Lings face and kissed him on his forehead, nose, and last his lips. He kissed him and lightly sucked his lips before he woke up.
Jin Ling woke up when he felt a pair of lips on his. Sizhui then hugged him tightly and said, " go freshen up and then come down to the kitchen. " Jin Ling nodded and go out of bed.

He went to shower while Sizhui walked down to the kitchen. He made breakfast and set the table. Jin Ling came down a few moments after and sad down opposite of Sizhui. They talked while eating breakfast. After breakfast they cleaned up. Sizhui washes the dishes while Jin Ling cleaned up the table.

"I am going to shower!" Sizhui told Jin Ling.

Jin Ling sat down on the couch and waited for Sizhui. He said he would take Jin Ling on a date today and he was excited. Where would they go? Jin Ling turned the TV on to distract him, and waited for Sizhui. It had been ten minutes and Sizhui had finally come down. Jin Ling had been watching a movie.

When Jin Ling heard Sizhui come down he ran to him. He jumped on him and wrapped his legs around him. Sizhui stumbled back a bit, but regained his balance and held Jin Ling. Jin Ling kissed him. Sizhui kisses back instantly. When Jin Ling ran out of breath Sizhui broke the kiss.

"What has gotten into you?" Sizhui asked. He didn't let Jin Ling answer, but kissed him again. Sizhui broke the kiss and said, " Jin Ling let's go on our date. "

Sizhui still had Jin Ling in his arms. Jin Ling g was about to get down but Sizhui held on to him. Sizhui took Jin Ling to the car and set him down on the passenger seat. Jin Ling was blushing and looking down. Sizhui got in the car and saw Jin Ling. Sizhui took Jin Ling's hand and kissed it.

Jin Ling's face turned bright red. Sizhui started the car but kept holding Jin Ling's hand. The whole ride ride Sizhui never let go.

"I won't run away you know." Jin Ling spoke up. They had been driving for a while now in comfortable silence.

"You might who knows." Sizhui replied. H caressed Jin Ling's hand.

" Where are we going? "

"I can't tell you."

Jin Ling knew there was no point in trying to get Sizhui to tell him so didn't say anything afterwards. The rest of the car ride was spent in comfortable silence.
The car stopped after another 15 minutes. Sizhui let go of Jin Ling's hand and for out of the car. Jin Ling felt sad because of the sudden loss of warmth but became happy again when Sizhui opened the door for him. Sizhui once again grabbed Jin Ling's hand and took him out.

Sizhui made Jin Ling close his eyes and promise not to look, and Jin Ling did as told. When Sizhui let Jin Ling open his eyes he was amazed. Sizhui had brought him to a big field. It was covered in flowers and there was a small blanket under a tree. Jin Ling turned to Sizhui and pecked his lips before heading under the tree.

Sizhui was happy that his boyfriend like the surprise. On the blanket there were a few snacks and drinks for later. Jin Ling lay down on the blanket and made Sizhui lay down beside him. He placed his head on Sizhui's chest and closed his eyes.

"Thank you this is the best date." Jin Ling said.

Sizhui pecked Jin Ling's forehead, and closed his eyes. They spent an hour just enjoying each other's presence. Jin Ling got hungry and sat up.

"A-Yuan feed me please." Jin Ling pouted.

" open up baby, " Sizhui grabbed a bag of chips, opened them, and placed one in Jin Ling's mouth. Sizhui kept feeding Jin Ling until the whole bag was gone.

Jin Ling was now satisfied and crawled into Sizhui s lap, "you didn't get any." He said.

" I will " Jin Ling was confused by what he meant when a pair of lips kissed him.

Sizhui asked for entrance and Jin Ling opened his mouth. Sizhuis tongue entered and roamed about. He explored the hot tavern before Jin Ling started to run out of breath. Sizhui broke the kiss and saw a messy Jin Ling. His face was a deep red. Jin Lin his his face in Sizhui's neck.

Sizhui picked Jin Ling up bridal style and took him back to the car. He set him down in the passenger seat again and told him to wait. Sizhui went back to get the blanket and other stuff. When he came back he set the things in the back seat and got.into the drivers seat.

The drive back was in comfortable silence. It was around three when they reached their house. They had to pack for the trip tomorrow so that is what they did when they got back.
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Rushed ending I apologize. New chapter tomorrow I hope.

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