Chapter 13

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"I will ask some people to get your stuff, with you parents permission. We will live in my other apartment and I will take you to school." Jin Ling had no other protests so he agreed, and that night he went back with Sizhui to his (S) house.
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Sizhui had asked Jin Lings parents for permission, and they had agreed. It was a beautiful Saturday morning , and Jin Ling was woken up by the smell of food in the kitchen. He scanned the room, and realized it was not his room. Confused he walked down the stairs, which led him straight to the kitchen. All his confusion left him when he saw Sizhui in the kitchen cooking some food.

"Good morning A-Ling, did you have a good rest?" Sizhui looked up and greeted Jin Ling.
Jin Ling was blushing when he heard what Sizhui had called him, but he retorted with, "You have no right to call me that," Sizhui chuckled, and went back to what he was doing.

Jin Ling was shocked and was about to say something when his stomach growled, "Go sit down Jin Ling, breakfast is almost done." Jin Ling sat down with a pout on his face.

Sizhui came with two plates and set one down in front of Jin Ling. They were eating, when Sizhui broke the silence, "Jin Ling, you have to pack today, we are leaving on Monday on the school trip."

"Oh ok hey Sizhui you can call me A-Ling if you want," The last part was mumbled, but Sizhui heard it, "A-Ling what made you change your mind?" there was no reply. Jin Ling had gotten up from his seat, and put his plate in the sink.

"I am going to start packing my things," Jin Ling said, and walked to his room.
Jin Ling slept in the room to the right of Sizhui's room. He started packing a few things he would need, they were staying somewhere in the mountains for a few days, and they would be back by Friday.

"Sizhui, you drive me crazy, I can't believe you don't remember me! has it been that long? I have finally found you yet you do not remember me, I loved you since that day and I will forever love you." a tear rolled down his cheek.

(Down stairs)

Sizhui was also done with his breakfast, and washed the dishes before going back up stairs to pack his own things. Later he wanted to spend the day with Jin Ling. He walked up the stairs and stopped at Jin Ling's door. It was slightly opened, so he decided to take a look at what Jin Ling was doing. He peeked inside, and saw Jin Ling muttering to himself about loving some one, who he had known for a while. Sizhui was hurt when he saw a tear fall down Jin Lings face.

'He will not love you Sizhui, give up on him, when he finds out who you are and your family background you can kiss him good bye!' Sizhui ignored the voice, maybe Jin Ling will understand. He then left to his room to start packing.

It had been half an hour when Sizhui finished packing, and went to check on Jin Ling. Sizhui went to Jin Ling's room but did not find him there. He panicked, but his worries left when he looked out the window, and saw Jin Ling playing with his dog fairy in the garden. Sizhui was looking out the window for quite a while before he decided to join Jin Ling.
. . .
Jin Ling was done packing, and didn't have anything to do. He had just moved in yesterday and decided to look around. He walked around the house, it was two floors, had an indoor pool, a gym, and a garden. It was a very nice place, he then decided to go check on his dog. Fairy was also brought with his stuff, when he moved in with Sizhui. Fairy had stayed in a dog house which was also brought. Jin Ling took Fairy to the garden and played with the dog for a while.

He was having so much fun with the dog he didn't even notice Sizhui approach him.
"A-Ling is there something you would like for lunch?" He asked.
"No, I am fine with what ever," was the answer he received.

"Yuan, I need to feed fairy, come on lets go." Jin Ling said.

"A-Ling how do you know that name?" Sizhui asked.

"You told me yourself, now come on." Jin Ling was not lying when he said that.

Sizhui only nodds, and walks to the house with Jin Ling to feed Fairy. They went out to town, to meet with their friends, they spend the whole day talking, eating, and having fun. The first person that had to leave was JingYi he had some errands he had to run, and Zizchen offered to drive him back. When did they get close who knows, but they must be good friends. Xue Yang and Xingchen stayed for a couple more hours before Xingchen got tired of walking and Xue Yang took him home, they bid their farewells, and spit ways.

The last two people where now Jin Ling and Sizhui, they stayed walking, until they reached a park. They sat down on one of the benches and watched the sun set. Jin Ling placed his head on Sizhui's shoulder and fell asleep. Sizhui ears went red when he felt Jin Ling's head on his shoulder and later found out he had fallen asleep. Sizhui carried Jin Ling back to the car, and drove them back to Sizhui's apartment.

When they reached the house Jin Ling was still asleep, so Sizhui picked him up bridal style once again, and walked into the apartment. He reached Jin Ling's room, and set him down on his bed. He changed Jin Ling into a t-shirt and some sweat pants. He too then changed into a t-shirt and some sweatpants. He walked over to Jin Ling, and gave him a forehead kiss, but before he could leave Jin Ling wrapped his arms around him, and snuggled into his chest. That night they slept in each others arms.

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New chapter! it is a little boring but please be patient, I will post a new chapter in a couple of days and a slight chance it will be tomorrow. Have a good day/night wherever you are! <3

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