Chapter 16

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It was Friday, today they were going back. Jin Ling opened his eyes and smiled seeing Sizhui sleeping face. He looked like a calm baby.
Sizhui started to stir, and woke up. Jin Ling felt embarrassed he had been caught. H e started to blush.

Sizhui hugged Jin Ling and said, "Good morning A-Ling" Jin Ling blushed even more hearing Sizhui's husky morning voice.

They cuddled for a few more minutes before getting up for breakfast. After breakfast they had pack to be ready by 12.

(Time skip to when they reached the school)

The students for of the bus and to the school outing lot. Some kids had left their cars their. Other students called a can of other people to come pick them up.

Sizhui had called his driver beforehand to come pick them up. The car was waiting for them at the schools parking lot. They got in the car, and the driver drove to their apartment. Jin Ling fell asleep on Sizhui's shoulder the first five minutes of the drive.

When they had reached the apartment Sizhui asked his driver to bring their belongings into the house. The driver did as he was told. Sizhui carried  Jin Ling into the apartment bridal style. Sizhui gently placed Jin Ling on his bed. He changed Jin Ling into some more comfortable clothes. Once he do finished changing him, Sizhui went to freshen up.

He can back to the room and got on the bed with Jin Ling. It was around 8 but they were both exhausted from the trip and fell asleep as soon as they lay on the bed. Sizhui wrapped his arms  around Jin Ling. He (JL) buried his face into Sizhui's chest. Sizhui 
fell asleep soon after.

The next morning Jin Ling woke up alone in the bed. He stretched and walked to the kitchen. Sizhui was there making breakfast for them. He did not notice Jin Ling in the kitchen until two arms back hugged him. He calmed down when he felt the familiar arms.

"A-Ling go sit down I will be there with breakfast soon." Jin Ling only nods and walks to the table. He waited for Sizhui who came a few minutes after with breakfast.

They are their breakfast talking about random stuff and how they were going to spend their summer. They were on their last two weeks of school before summer break. The six friends, including Sizhui and Jin Ling, had decided to go on a camping trip for a week. Sizhui was also going to have his brother over.

" My brother will be coming the last month of summer break to visit me." Sizhui said.

"Have I met him?" Asked Jin Ling

"No, I was really young around three when my parents were killed. My brother gave me to one of his friends as they raised me. I understand why my brother did that and he didn't have enough money. He visited me when ever he could but he is a very busy person."

" I can't wait to meet him he sounds like a great brother. "

They kept taking while finishing their breakfast. After they cleaned up the kitchen and spent the rest of the day going out and having fun. The same thing happened the next day. They didn't do much but chill. Then came Monday.

They had to get up on time which Sizhui was great at doing but Jin Ling still struggled. Sizhui made breakfast while Jin Ling got ready. They had breakfast and head to school afterwards.

It was like any other school, but they had to study hard that week. The lady week of school they were going to take many tests.

Just like that the week went by. They would wake up, go to school, come home, study, and at night fall asleep in each other's arms. Saturday and Sunday they studied and spent the days together having fun and cuddling. Not many people at the school knew about their relationship and kept hitting on Sizhui and Jin Ling. Jin Ling a really possessive and hated it. Sizhui did to but didn't show it.

Do ally the last week of school came. They had many tests that week. Friday finally came and every one was happy. When the last bell rang all the students rushed out of the school. The six friends met up  that day at a cafe to discuss their plans and the trip.

They set a date and decided to meet up again that night. There was a big party thrown by one of their friends so they all decided to meet up there. The party was really fun but not for Jin Ling. Most of the night girls tried to flirt with HIS boyfriend. This really angered him.

"Sizhui baby," a girl wrapped her arms around Sizhui's neck. Sizhui tried to push her away but she kept clinging to him. Jin Ling had it, he pulled the girl away. This made the girl really angry.

" What are you doing he is my boyfriend! " she yelled at Jin Ling.
Jin Ling just looked at her and replied, "He is my boyfriend so get your dirty hand of him."

The girl kept clinging to Sizhui and said, "prove it." Jin Ling pulled Sizhui in for a kiss. Sizhui kisses back. The girl was left speechless and ran away crying. After that incident Jin Ling raj out of the house being followed by Sizhui.

"Stop." Sizhui kept calling out to Jin Ling. Jin Ling did not slow down until he felt some one grab his wrist.

" let go of me." Jin Ling tried pulling away.

"No, please you know I don't like her." Sizhui pulled Jin Ling into a hug. Jin Ling kept struggling to get away but no matter what he did, he could not get away from Sizhui's strong embrace. !

Jin Ling was then picked up bridal style by Sizhui, "Put me down!" He said, but Sizhui turned deaf and walked away with Jin Ling I'm his arms.

Sizhui took Jin Ling to the car, and back to the apartment.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guys sorry for any mistakes either grammar mistakes or how I worded things. Also I don't really know much about what I wrote ok I am not that old. This was a boring chapter but I hope to make the better, I think there will be 10 more chapters.

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