Chapter 30

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5 years later

It had been five years since the last encounter Jin Ling had with Sizhui. Everyday he woke up with hope that he would be able to see his lover. Everyday for five years.

A sun ray entered through a small opening in the curtains. Jin Ling's eyes fluttered open as the sun ray fell upon his face. First thing he did was grab his phone and check if he had any messages from Wei Ying, but nothing was there. His heart felt crushed, another day and no Sizhui.

Wei Ying would send updates but he still said it was not time. Jin Ling was getting irritated, when would the time come! He heaved a sigh and sat up.

He was about to get up when he got a notification. Hurriedly he turned it on and checked if it was from Wei Ying, it wasn't. A disappointed and sad look spread across his face. Now it was time to get ready and eat something.

Slowly he got up and walked to the bathroom with an extra change of clothes he went in. The warm water engulfed him, as he went in. The water ran down his body like small pearls. Then his face felt warmer. It was his own tears, he could taste the saltiness as the tears rolled down his face.

'you are so pathetic, in these five years have you gone a day without crying?' He asked himself. The answer was always the same, all these years there has not been a single day he had not cried. Shaking his head he poured a liquid in his hand, and started washing his hair. Here we go another day!


Sizhui was out in the rain running. Was it safe? Not really, but he was doing it to calm himself down. It had been five years exactly since he had last seen Jin Ling. No idea how he had survived all this time. He knew something had happened and that's the reason why he couldn't find Jin Ling.


Sizhui had just finished all his courses! Now he could join his parents. He would join in as a spy for them, the job sounded amazing, something He had been looking forward to. It had been a year since ha had last see Jin Ling. For some reason his parents would fail him time and time again, so he couldn't finish his courses.

Sizhui finally finished and now he could find his lover! He remembers the conversation he overheard. He knew where Jin Ling was and now that he was ready he could find Jin Ling.

One night  he decided to sneak away. It was around midnight when a rope made of sheets fell from his window. He was living with his parents, at their headquarters. They were involved with the mafia and crime. Sizhui knew nothing until he had finished his courses he would spy on other people, find people, and when ever they needed someone to kill he would be picked.

Sizhui was one of the best, of course, he had been trained by the best, Lan Zhan, his father.

Silently Sizhui crept past all the guards, and out he went. There was a jet waiting for him a few miles away. He got in his car and drove off.

Arriving at the designated area he saw the jet. It was all ready to go. Sizhui got in and told the captain what to go.

When he reached the place Jin Ling was suppose to be at, he checked everything. Nothing, disappointment and anger was all he felt. After everything he had done!

The next morning he was back at his parents headquarters. When he got back it was not pretty.

. . .

There will be a new chapter tomorrow, and I am on summer break now so There will be many more chapters. If you are any mistakes please point out, thank you!

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