The Servitude of a Sister

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"Maki... I need to ask you a few questions..."

She didn't respond. She sat there, her hands behind her back, glaring at the two men sitting in front of her. Behind her, was another man, watching.

"Maki... darling... please..." the person behind her begged.

"I want to see Qiqi." Maki demanded, her blood-red eyes cold as the ice within her brother's heart.

"Shuichi is still asleep." Kyoko informed her. She flashed a small smile, although, it turned out as more of a grimace than a smile. The assassin did not reciprocate.

"Maki," her father told her. "Please. We don't want to hurt you. We just need answers."

"Huh...? Is that why I'm tied to this chair." Maki spat out. "Go get Kiibo, hack him and examine his memory or something. And don't you dare give me any of that 'ThE hIgHeR-uPs MaDe Us BuLlShIt'. I'm so sick of hearing that."

An uncomfortable silence followed that. During that period, Nagito was struggling against a guard, who was trying to get him out of the room. Nagito shoved the guard away, elbowing him harshly in the gut He then walked a few steps away. The guard crashed into the wall and somehow, the ceiling tile above him fell onto his head. Nagito merely smiled creepily and continued to watch.

"Maki," Kyoko said after a few minutes of nothing. "Kiibo (wait, no, Kazuichi called him Kioshi. I'll ask later.) has mentioned that Shuichi's unique condition of memory loss has occurred before. Can you please tell us more about his condition? How did you get him to remember you?"

Maki sighed before replying begrudgingly.

"We didn't do anything, we had outside help from someone whom I don't even know the face of. I don't know how this condition appeared or what A- he did to fix it, but due to previous events, I sort of assumed that Shuichi's mom had something to do with it."

"So you don't have any answers either..." Kyoko sighed disappointedly.


"Who is the person that brought Shuichi's memories back?"

"I don't know. Only Shuichi knows."

"You don't know a single thing about this individual?" Izuru asked. He knew that his daughter wasn't lying, but he was going to get any hint he could get (maybe that was just Hajime). "You've never met him? You mentioned that you were clueless about his appearance."

"I have met him before," Maki answered. "But I wasn't able to see his face or anything for that matter. It was like talking to a shadow or a star. And even with his voice, I have no idea if they're a girl or a boy."

"But I did spar with him once. I wanted to test our strength." Maki added.

"How did the match go?" Kyoko questioned. "What was his fighting style?"

"How do I know?" Maki asked, her voice dripping with the sass that she inherited from her father. Her voice also held frustration. "He knocked me out with a flick of the finger."

Even Izuru was impressed by this revelation. Despite being an assassin that preferred to kill in the shadows, Maki was incredibly skilled at hand-to-hand combat and could defeat an army with ease.

"He's kind but dangerous, I know that much. He's provided us with a bunch of crazy technology too, so he's either the richest person in the world or the smartest genius in the world."

That was all Maki knew of this mysterious man. After the interview, Kyoko decided that that was enough for one day and Maki was released. She did punch 10 FF men though...

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