[AlexGaskarth] Persistence - chaarlotteemma

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"It's still a no."

"Tell me why."


"Charlotte, that's not fair."

Groaning, I run a hand through my blonde hair, rolling my teal colored eyes. "I don't want to date you, Alex."

There was one point in time when I wouldn't even say more than two words to him, my shyness immediately taking over whenever he was around. But, he's annoying, and I can't deal with him any longer.

I work for him, well, I work for Vinnie. He claimed that it's getting overwhelming with the thirteen year old girls constantly yelling at him for shirts and only talking about the guys' looks, that he needed someone else to help him out.

Vinnie and I were friends in high school, and I had nothing to do this summer, which was probably not the smart thing to tell VInnie. I should have lied and said that I had an internship or something, because this sucks.

Alex, even during high school, he hasn't had the best reputation when it comes to girls and relationships. It's a shame, really, because I know that deep down he really wants a good, stable relationship.

But, I'm not about to try to be the girl who makes him change everything.

That's not fair to either of us. It's too big of a responsibility on me to be the reason he changes, and it's too much of a risk to see if he can really stick to one girl and only one girl. And, Alex, I don't think that he really wants to change anyway.

A person shouldn't have to change for the person he or she claims to love. And that leads to resentment; I don't want him to resent me.

As much as my heart aches for me to say yes, I can't, because I'm not stupid enough to look past all the negative outcomes. There are a lot, a lot of bad things that can come out of it.

We can break up and I'd have to leave the tour.

We can break up and I can lose my best friend who happens to be his best friend.

He can cheat on me.

He can realize I'm not as pretty as the other girls he's been with.

He can realize that I'm not going to just sleep with him right away.

I think that he doesn't get that. That he doesn't realize that I'm not stupid and I know him well enough to know better than to say yes to going out on a date with him.

It's partly because he's such a charmer that I know one date will lead to another. I'll end up falling for him and he'll end up bored.

"Charlotte, that's not a reason."

"I said no, Alex."


He won't stop following me around, and he hasn't stopped asking. It's like nothing bruises his ego, ever. It makes no sense, His voice only falters slightly when I tell him no, but then he puts on his signature smirk and everything is better.

I think that bothers me a little, as much as I hate to admit it, that it doesn't seem to bother thim that I won't go out with him, it kind of stings, but I'd never admit that.

"Can you at least tell him why you don't want to date him?" Jack asks, picking up a shirt and folding it before placing it back on the table. "He's not as tough as he seems."

Rolling my eyes, I bite down on my lower lip, knowing that Jack can't keep his mouth shut. "I don't understand why everyone wants me to go on a date with him. I'm just awkward Charlotte. There's no reason to date him."

Knitting his eyebrows together, Jack tilts his head to the side, trying to understand my logic, but my logic makes perfect sense. "Do you like Alex?" Crossing his arms over his chest, he bites down on his lower lip, as if playing detective.

He knows. Vinnie told him.

Of course Vinnie told him. Get Vinnie drunk and he'll tell you anything you want to know.

Alex knows, too, and that's why he's so persistent, because he knows that I want to say yes.

But, it still doesn't make sense, because Alex knows that I'm not easy, that I just don't sleep with something, that relationships mean a lot to me.

"Is he listening?" Jack raises an eyebrow, trying to make confusion wash over his face, but he sheepishly smiles as I point to his phone resting on the table. "You called him and put it on speaker, didn't you?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he smirks. "Alex, she caught us."

"Will you please go on a date with me?" Alex yells, trying desperately to be heard through the phone, and I find myself between a rock and a hardplace.

I can't predict the future. I don't know what's going to happen if I give in. But, I know that if I don't agree to going on a date with him I'll regret it eventually.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I loll my head backwards. "I'll go on a date with you," here comes the awkwardness, but I can't stop it, because I really like him, "if I get a kiss."

Clapping his hands together like a seal, Jack jumps up and down, excited, laughing loudly, and I watch as Alex walks out from behind the door that separates the stage from the hallway.

Smiling, he takes the few steps closer to me, his eyes shining. "I thought you would have never let me." Placing his hands on my face, he pulls me closer to him, pressing his lips against mine.

"I take full responsibility for this because I made her realize that she likes you."

Pulling back, glancing at Jack from the corner of my eye, I shake my head. "I always knew, Jack. But, you can take the credit if you really want it."

"I think I get the credit because I was so persistent."

"I hate that about you."

"You love that about me."

"Fine, I do."

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