[SynysterGates] Specks of Perfection - SlapYouIntoOblivion

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I met him in high school, a long time ago, really, when I think about it now. To be honest, I don’t know how we’re still friends, we barely see each other and we only talk about twice a week.

Well, that’s a lot, twice a week, especially since he’s always traveling, but it isn't like it was when we were in high school.

Before all of this, before he became famous, I knew him as Brian, and at times I find myself calling him Synyster instead of Brian, and then I get embarrassed and my face gets hot with a blush.

When we first met, he made a comment about my eyes, something about them being the perfect shade of hazel, and I walked away from him, just walked down the hall without even thanking him.

That word, perfect, it makes me want to gag. But, when I think about it, I really do think that Brian and I would be perfect for each other, I really do, as much as I hate the word, it doesn’t make me gag when I use it like that.

I can’t stand his sunglasses, like, I get that it’s bright on stage, but how are people supposed to see his gorgeous brown eyes when he covers them?

That bothers me, it sounds so pathetic that something like that would bother me, because there are so many other things in the world that should bother me more, like the fact that I only have one more exam until I become a veterinarian and it’s on the same day as their tour date here.

And that does bother me; I have to take an exam while he’s here for his tour and it’s the only day we have to spend together for a while.

When the Rev, well, when James died, he went into this depression, it was such a bad depression, and nothing helped, he was stuck.

For the first time he was helpless and I couldn’t make anything better.

That’s when I realized that I'm in love with my best friend.

I remember begging him to give me one of his famous fedora hats, it took days for me to convince him of my need for it. I told him it would give me something to remember him by.

After that, he practically threw it at me. I don’t know why. I was joking. I could never forget him, but his urgency gave me a boost of confidence, I realized that he doesn’t want me to forget him.

It felt nice, and my friends said that it means he feels the same why, that he probably loves me, but that probably knocked me back down again.

I'm intelligent enough to know that he isn't dropping hints. And I'm realistic enough to know that a guy who got a sleeve of monsters because he “likes monsters” doesn’t believe in fairytale endings like I do.

Brian is everywhere, he travels the world and sees so many beautiful things and meets so many amazing people, that I’d only look like a speck of dust in comparison.


I'm no longer a speck of dust, at least I don’t think I am, I don’t feel like a speck of dust, I can’t be a speck of dust, that’s why he asked me to be his girlfriend, because I'm not a speck of dust, right?

All of my intelligence seems to fall out the window when it comes to him.

He told me, “Hannah, you know how I told you that you're eyes are perfect, well, I think that you're perfect for me, and wait don’t say anything, let me just get it all out before I chicken out, okay? I, I think I love you. I'm pretty sure that I do. I mean, that’s crazy right, falling in love with your best friend. That’s insane. It’s like a movie. But, I don’t know, Han, I love you, and I really want you to be mine so I can wake up to you in the morning when I'm home and call you before I fall asleep when I'm away.

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