[AlanAshby] Bruised Ego - v4seline

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I can’t believe I just did that. I can’t believe that just happened to me. Here, of all places. With him here, of all people.

My hands hit the ground before anything else does, and luckily only my shins hit the ground with me. “Shit,” I mutter under my breath, feeling all the blood rush to my cheeks as they're painted red.

“Are you okay?” Of course, of course he’s nice enough to ask me if I'm okay and to worry about me, a complete stranger who couldn’t stop herself from staring at him long enough to realize that there was a rock in front of her foot as she was walking down the sidewalk.

Nodding my head, I plaster a smile on my face. Pushing myself up with my hands, I stand up, noticing that I'm not much shorter than him and that he’s even more gorgeous up close.

He’s Alan, the ginger who is forming a band with Austin Carlile, that dude from Attack Attack and Of Mice and Men. I know who he is. I would be crazy to not know him.

Rubbing my hands against the fabric of my jeans, I run a hand through my dark brown hair as soon as all the dirt from the ground was off of it. “I'm good. It’s not the first time.”

No, Charley, don’t say things like that, don’t let him know that you're a klutz, that’s not smart of you, why would you do that?

Laughing softly, he smiles, his eyes shining. “Are you sure? You took a pretty hard fall.” His voice holds so much concern, yet he doesn’t know me, doesn’t even know my name.

I force a smile, utterly embarrassed, not even sure how to make a joke out of the situation, how to laugh about it, because Alan Ashby is gorgeous and, from what I've heard and seen, is hilarious and amazing.

“I'm good. Nothing that damaged anything other than the ego, so I'm good.” There, that’s a joke, right, a pretty lame one, but I can be funny, I know how to be funny, I am funny; this situation is no different.

Tilting his head to the side, he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Your ego shouldn’t be bruised.”

Drawing my eyebrows together in confusion, I laugh softly, nodding my head. “It’s alright. I'm clumsy; I have been my whole life. It’s just more embarrassing to be on a sidewalk in front of people.”

Refraining from saying something more, something like “especially in front of you, Alan Ashby,” I shrug my shoulders, not knowing what else to say or do.

I'm not in love with him, and I don’t love him. He’s attractive. Knowing that he’s in a band makes me nervous. There’s nothing about him that makes me star struck, I just think it’s much more humiliating to fall in front of him than anyone else.

Let’s face it; he’s in a band that I love. He’s someone who I love to watch in those video blogs when my friends come over and we’re all tired from school and have nothing better to do.

“You’re too pretty to have a bruised ego.”

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