[AustinCarlile] With You - sinandsinner

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Laughing, I shake my head, shrugging my shoulders. Running a hand through my hair, I bite down on my lower lip, trying to stop the laughter from racking my body.

Frowning, he leans forward, placing his hand on my shoulder, shoving it lightly. “It’s really not that funny.” Only, I know it is because his frown curls up into a smile as soon as the words escape his lips.

Crinkling my nose, I place my hand over my mouth, attempting to stop the laughter. His face flushes as he rolls his eyes.

Pulling my knees up to my chest, I rest my chin on my knees, hoping that it would stop the giggles from upsetting him.

He groans, acting as if I am hurting his feelings when I’m laughing with him. I would never laugh at him; it isn’t possible to laugh at him.

There are things about him that are laughable, things that he does that were laughable; but he’s the person that you laugh with, and never at.

Lately, everything I say or do he takes to heart; he would overreact and become sensitive, as if he didn’t already know that I would never laugh at him.

“What’s wrong? Why are you acting like this?” Tilting my head to the side, I bite down on my lower lip again, unsure of how he is going to react to the question.

I don’t want to feel like I am imposing on his emotions, but, out of everyone in the entire world, I’m the only one who is able to do that with him.

But with the way he’s been acting, I'm not sure if he’ll tell me. To be honest, the reason why he’s acting this way is because of me.

And as much as I want to know what’s wrong, I don't think I want to hear him say that I'm the problem; I don’t know what I did wrong, and he doesn’t act angry around the guys.

There was no part of me that was ready to hear those words, or anything similar to those words. We’ve been together for two and a half years, and I’ve never been happier.

He’s gotten me through all the hardships, been there every little step of the way. At one point, he even stopped drinking when I went through rehabilitation.

Thinking back on it now, I would never be where I am today without him watching over me, without him reassuring me everything will be okay, even when he’s hundreds of miles away.

When I was fresh out of college, my Creative Writing degree filling me with an empty pride, I found him; well, I bumped into him, on the street outside of a small café that I used to work at. All of the loose papers shoved into my sketchbook scattered all over the sidewalk, and his lanky figure bent over to help me pick them up, and when our eyes met – his a chocolate brown and mine an ocean blue-green – he asked me if I wanted to get a coffee. I told him I don’t drink coffee, and after that he asked me if I wanted anything from the café, that it was only fair if he bought me something after knocking into me. I didn’t know him; I didn’t realize that he was the Austin Carlile that my friends would always talk about.

“What do you mean?” Austin asks, shrugging his shoulders, knowing what I meant by beating around the bush.

Sighing, I drop my knees down, spreading them out in front of me, only to pull my knees up to my chest again, wrapping my arms around my shins, trying to not flip out on him for his constant attitude.

Running a hand through his gorgeous hair, Austin sighs, looking down at his hands. “Do you ever think about marriage?”

Looking up at him, my eyes grow wide, and his lips curl down into a frown, tears clouding his eyes. In all honesty, I thought about marrying him all the time.

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