Remember Important Days [TonyPerry] - SweetSomething

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“What happened to your hair? And your ears, why aren’t there holes in your earlobes?” I knit my eyebrows together, tilting my head to the side as I examine my best friend. Typically, things don’t really change when he gets back from tour. He’s always the same. He’s always my constant. And as much as I hated those holes in his ears, I didn’t expect him to have them closed. His hair, I mean, I remember when it was short, but I loved his hair because it was on him.

Laughing, he shrugs his shoulders. Always the quiet one. I think that’s why we became friends in the first place. Honestly, it was so long ago that I can’t really remember how we became friends. I hate that. I hate that I can’t remember the most important day in my life. While he’s always quiet no matter how well he knows the people surrounding him, I started off quiet and have shut up since we became friends. It’s a healthy balance.

He plops down on the couch beside me, and I hate that I'm only four inches shorter than him. I've loved my height for the longest time, until my crush for Tony blossomed. I've seen him bend down to kiss all of his girlfriends. Not once did he have a girl that he didn’t have to bend for. Maybe that’s his type. And I really don’t think he’s ever dated a girl with the same color eyes as him: that chocolate brown. I really hate the term friend-zoned, and that’s only because that’s where I'm stuck.

“I figured that it was time for a more adult look.” He puts it so simply, but I know that what he did took a lot more thinking than “it was time for a more adult look”. Yet, I'm not one to push him, I've never been. Oh, that’s probably why we’re still friends, too.

See, this is my problem. We work so perfectly together. We get each other. We balance each other out. We, just, we belong together.

At the same time, my mouth hasn’t ever let those words escape. It’s not just my choice to make, and I’d rather be set on the back burner then nowhere on the stove at all.

“I think it looks good, Mr. Perry.” Nudging him with my elbow, I smile up at him, letting him know that his choice was a good one. Even when he was wrong, he knew that he could count on me to point out some truth and good in what he had done. If I didn’t, his thoughts would eat him alive. And we had already dealt with that in the past. I couldn’t imagine doing it again. It hurt to see him like that.

Turning to face me, he bites down on his lower lip. “Can I ask you a question?”

I giggle. “You just did.” He stares blankly at me, hating the unoriginal comeback. “Yes, you can ask me a question, Tony. You know that you don’t have to ask for permission.”

“Do you remember the day we became friends?”

All the color drains from my face. I don’t know where the question came from. And I know that he asked because he does remember. He wouldn’t have brought it up if he didn’t remember. But, I don’t remember. And I feel horrible. “I'm sorry, Tony. I'm such a fucking asshole. I don’t remember. I mean, I remember that those assholes were involved but I don’t really remember anything.”

But, instead of disappointment, excitement flashes through Tony’s eyes. “I’ll tell you the story.” Pulling his legs up onto the couch, he crosses them crisscross-apple-sauce style, and I copy him, completely curious as to where this is going. “So, I was sitting in the music room for lunch, and you were in there because you were taking a music elective class and had a question for the teacher. And you turned around to leave and saw me sitting there. I don’t even think that you hesitated. You just walked over and sat down in the desk next to mine and pulled out your lunch. We didn’t say anything for a while, and then you finally turned and looked at me. I could tell that it was taking all the courage you had to talk to me.

“You told me that whatever I did was okay in the long run. You said something along the lines of me eating in here was a smart choice, whether or not I wanted to admit that to myself. Then you said you like it in here better, anyway, because it’s quiet and there aren’t any ‘fucking assholes’ around.”

Looking at him, I fight back a goofy smile. Out of all the things guys have ever said to me, I think Tony just said the sweetest thing that anyone could ever say. He remembered. “I don’t think that I said ‘fucking assholes’.” Joking, I let out a soft laugh.

Rolling his eyes, Tony nods his head, smiling. “You curse like a fucking sailor, Caitlin. It’s only one of the many things that I love about you?” His cheeks turn bright red as he realizes what he just said, and he uncrosses his legs and stands up almost immediately.

I reach out, wrapping my fingers around his wrist, remembering the times when he got his hands tattooed and his knuckles and his arms and his chest and his legs. I was there for all of that. I remember those days. I'm sure as hell going to remember the day Tony uses the word ‘love’ with my name as the recipient. “You love me?”

Running his free hand through his now shorter hair, he bites down on his lower lip, his eyes focusing on the hardwood floor underneath him. “I, Caitlin, I just, yes, okay, yes, I fucking love you. I'm fucking in love with you.”

“I love you, too.” I whisper, but I know that he can hear me. I said it loud enough for only him to hear me, even though no one else is around and I don’t have anyone to hide my love for him from.

He looks down at me, since I'm still on the couch, and he smiles. God, I love his smile. It’s so genuine. With his wrist that I'm holding, he pulls me off of the couch. “I want you to remember today, okay? The day we became friends, I’ll always remind you of. But, today, I want you to remember because today is the day I get everything that I want.”

“I think that a kiss would make it really hard to forget.”

Laughing, he rests his forehead against mine before pressing a kiss to my lips. “Are you remembering it?”

“Mmm, I think I’ll remember every time I get a kiss.”

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