[VicFuentes] Okay Right Here - domonique_

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Taking a sip from the bottle of beer, I smile, hearing the fans in the crowd screaming. It isn’t often that we went back out, encores aren’t our thing. But I can see that James wants with all his heart to go on stage and sing one more song.

It’s not that I don’t want it either, I love encores, but I can’t go out on stage for an encore when we’re not the headlining band.

All my life, I wanted to be in a band, with a bunch of people who are like my family, and I finally am. It’s our first tour, and it’s already everything I’ve ever dreamed of.

And for the first tour, we’re with some amazing people. It’s the best time of my life, I’ve never experienced something as great as this.

When the bands that I look up to talked about how touring truly is the best thing that has ever happened to them, I never really believed it until now.

The road was long and tough, and at one point we all thought that we were just on a dead end. But, then we made connections, got gigs as the opening act for tours at the venue closest to our home, and we took off from there.

Shaking my head, I wipe under my eyes with my fingers, trying to get rid of any eyeliner that had dripped down. “James, we can’t do it.”

Groaning, he throws his hands up in the air. “Why can’t we go back out there? What’s so bad about an encore? Why can’t we do it just once?” His brown eyes are full of agony and for a minute, I feel like giving in.

Hunter laughs, rolling his eyes. “James, you’re the one who told us to never perform encores.” His blonde hair fell in front of his face and with a shake of his head, his hair flipped to the side.

“Thank you for reminding him, Hunter.” I take another long sip from the bottle, carefully holding the cap down on the top of the bottle. “Shouldn’t we get going? Isn't there a party that you two want to get ready for soon?”

James sighs, crossing his arms over his chest, jutting his bottom lip out like a two year old. “The party is on Pierce The Veil’s bus. It’s not start until they perform. Why can’t we just take one encore? They're screaming for us to do one more song.”

It’s really cool to hear people screaming for more of our music. It probably beats the feeling of going on tour.

As much as I want to go out and perform another song, I really want to get ready for this party, and now that I'm twenty one, I can drink with the rest of the guys.

Granted, I did drink before, but I was always responsible, and now that I'm twenty one, I can drink without the guys making baby jokes about it.

Sighing, Hunter ran a hand through his blonde hair. “James, we’re tired. You can go and perform an acoustic song by yourself.”

Without waiting for either of them, I spin around, walking out of the venue. The cool air feels nice compared to the sticky heat on stage.

I'm not sure why they're throwing a party, we had one a few nights ago, and apparently it’s not normal for them to actually invite people outside of their crew to their bus after shows.

It’s not that they're antisocial, from what I hear at least, they're just not into the huge parties, and they’d rather party with each other than a bunch of random people.

But, we’re not random people anymore, we’re friends with them, and we were invited to the party. I'm sticky with sweat and my hair is matted down, I need to change, because I can’t go looking like this.

Not when I'm going to see him.


I reach Pierce the Veil’s bus, opening the door and walking up the four steps. There was no music, nobody was in the bus. Tilting my head, I shut the door behind me.

The guys had talked about throwing a party in their bus tonight. We were at the same venue for a couple of nights so they wanted to throw a party.

And a party at the Pierce the Veil bus is a party that no one wants to miss.

Not knowing what to do, I decide to turn around, walk down the stairs, and trek on back to my bus. An arm wraps around my waist, catching me by surprise. Gasping, my hand grasps onto the hand that is on my waist, and I try to pry it off.

“It’s me,” Vic’s voice sent shivers down my spine. “I'm sorry if I scared you.”

I spin around, not bothering to remove his arm from my waist. “What happened to the party? I thought you were all excited for it?”

His brown eyes are shining in the soft light from the bus, and they're staring into mine. Sucking in as much air as I can, I run a hand through my hair, suddenly nervous.

God, he’s so attractive.

He shakes his head, biting his bottom lip. “Uh, there was never going to be a party.” I tilt my head, silently questioning what he means with my eyes. “They thought that we, the two of us, you and me, should spend some alone time together.”

Raising my eyebrows, I lean back slightly, his arm keeping me balanced. “They thought that we need to spend time together? Who is they?”

Nodding, Vic runs his free hand through his hair. “Apparently being best friends isn't enough.” But, he doesn’t answer my question; he doesn’t tell me who thinks that we need to spend more time together.

I don’t object to spending time with him, I never would. I like how that even though he’s short compared to most guys, I'm shorter than him. I like how he’s so sweet to everyone he talks to.

My heart aches at his words. What was I thinking? “Best friends” is our label, and it was the only label we would ever have, I don’t like in a fairytale, my life isn’t a love story. Just because I have a crush on him doesn’t mean that he likes me back.

Forcing a smile, I nod. “Yeah, I don’t know why it isn't. Uh, are we just going to stand on the steps the entire time?” There’s nothing more I can do than play along with him, try to pretend that I'm okay being his best friend and nothing else like he is with me, but he’s not pretending. It sucks.

Vic’s cheeks turns a light pink, and he laughs to brush it off. “I'm okay right here.”

“Why are you okay right here? Vic, I'm standing two steps lower than you, I feel so short.” I could feel my heart beating faster, thinking of cliché moments that could come out of this situation.

He smiled, helping me up one more step. “There, now you’re not as short.” Raising an eyebrow, I wait for him to answer my question.

“I'm okay with standing on the steps so you can take off quicker than you would if we were on the couch.” He looks down, no longer allowing his signature smile to grace his lips.

I feel my nose crinkle, something that happens when I become confused. “Why am I going to want to take off, Vic?”

Taking a deep breath, he runs his hand through his hair, something I notice he does when he is nervous, anxious about something, but he rarely tells anyone why he’s anxious. “Because I'm about to tell you that I think I'm in love with you?”

Blinking, the words repeat over and over again in my head. “What?”

The smile on his face falters, turning into a frown. “Never mind, forget I said anything.” His arm around my waist falls, falling to his side, and I suddenly feel cold without his touch.

“I don’t want to forget what you said, Vic.” I'm taking such a risk, such a jump. I could have heard him wrong. This could be some sick prank.

But, I care about him. I don’t want to be his best friend anymore. It’s been a month and a half, and we have two more months, and I can’t stand being his best friend knowing that I have feelings for him.

He looks at me, tilting his head to the side. “Why don’t you want to forget it? You probably feel extremely awkward right now.”

Shaking my head, I place my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. “The guys wouldn’t have set you up for this if they didn’t think that I feel the same way.” They did this for me, for him, for us. I have to thank them. They're good makeshift brothers.

Vic smiles, leaning his forehead against mine, and he presses his lips on mine. “Scratch that. I know that I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I whisper, pressing my lips back onto his.

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