[JackBarakat] Vinny, Don't You Dare - BrokenWingsxx6

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Author's Note:

I'm so sorry if you hate it. I have no ideas anymore for one shots right now. But, I wanted to get yours out because I promised you it. So, enjoy, I hope.

I never really thought about how bad this would be. I didn’t realize that when I told Derek I would help them out for the tour that I would be this miserable.

But, I am, I'm miserable, and I hate it here.

It’s always so hot. I get that it’s a summer tour and it’s outdoors, but the tent doesn’t help any and neither does shade. I'm sweating off weight that I think I need.

“Amanda, go and do this. Amanda, go and do that.” Gee, well, I know how to do my job, thank you very much. I’ve done it before and just because this is Warped Tour it doesn’t mean that I still don’t know how to do it.

And the kids, the kids who come up to the table with such attitude and don’t even thank me after digging through a huge box to find their size only to have to look again because it ends up being too big or too small, they anger me.

I'm not an angry person. It’s really hard to get me angry, it really is, I'm not like that, I love having a good time, and that’s why I said yes to this, because Derek promised me that I would have a good time.

Am I having a good time?

No, I am not, because it’s hot and no one is nice.

Sometimes, I think that the kids are testing me, to see if I'm going to freak out on them and start yelling or something.

I'm not like that, though. I don’t like yelling. Kill them with kindness is my motto and it’s always been my motto. My life on Warped Tour is no different.

The only reason that I said yes to Derek, well, not the only reason, but one of them, was that All Time Low is on the tour, too.

It was so long ago that their first album came out, and I was a freshman in college when it did. None of my friends really liked it, I don’t really know why, I guess it wasn’t mainstream enough, but I loved it.

Since then, I’ve been a huge fan of the band. It’s actually weird going to their concerts when they’re near my house and seeing teenage girls and rarely anyone in their twenties.

When they released Dirty Work, I don’t know, I loved it because it was their music, but I'm really happy that they're off that label and onto one that wants them to make their own music.

I really want to say that I don’t have a favorite, but Jack is definitely my favorite. Not only is he attractive, but he’s funny, and I love that in a guy, a guy who can laugh and make other people laugh.

That’s the most attractive thing about him, besides his chocolate eyes.

The best part of the day is when we’re all packing up. Not because the day is over, I have the best spot most of the time, always near one of the stages, and constantly able to hear bands play.

I like this part of the day because everyone helps each other. We can all talk to each other without worrying about someone coming to the table and getting angry because they don’t have our full, undivided attention.

“Did you hear about the barbeque tonight, Amanda?” Vinny’s voice startles me, I know who he is, we’ve met before, briefly, only once, in the beginning of the tour, but we never actually had a conversation.

Nodding my head, I furrow my eyebrows together, confused. “There’s a bonfire pretty much every night.” If there isn’t a barbeque then there’s a party on at least five of the buses.

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