[JaimePreciado] Man Up - Madeline14

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Sitting down on the metal chair, not feeling the normal chill that one would feel against metal, I sigh softly, running a hand through my hair, realizing that eventually I will have to tie it back in a ponytail, before it gets gross.

Biting on my lip ring, I place my hands on my lap, not in the mood to text anyone, not wanting to go through the boxes and count all the shirts like I normally would when I'm bored. It’s too hot to even move.

Twirling my hair in between my fingers, realizing that I managed to grab strands of brown, red, and black, something I’ve never done before, I smile softly. Before this, before the hair and the piercings, I wasn’t as confident as I am now, and it feels good.

I know that he likes me, it’s obvious. A lot of girls say that they're clueless to those things, but I don’t know how they can be. I know that he likes me, he makes it obvious, and I think that he’s waiting for me to make the first move sometimes.

But, I can’t do that. I’ll stumble over my words like the shy and awkward person I am. It doesn’t even matter that I know my feelings are reciprocated, because as soon as open my mouth, I always stutter and just wait for my hyper self to return.

He has no idea what he does to me, because he really is oblivious.

We’re good for each other, because when I get shy around him, he has this way of bringing out the best in me. After a few minutes, I'm no longer shy. Instead, I'm like him, hyper and random. It’s nice, something I haven’t felt before, comfortable around a guy that is, and he makes me comfortable.

I didn’t know them before this tour, not personally, anyway. Their music has been on my laptop and on my iPod for years. Being offered this job, as a complete music junkie, I couldn’t have said no to this opportunity, especially since I was getting to tour with Pierce The Veil. No one in their right mind would say no to that offer.

When I first met them, I couldn’t take my eyes off of Jaime’s tattoo. Mike’s tattoos didn’t interest me and I barely gave Tony’s a second glance. For whatever the reason was, I was drawn to Jaime’s, the flowers and the placement of it, I fell in love with his tattoo, as pathetic and weird as that sounds.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been attracted to guys with tattoos, and I went in thinking that I was going to have a crush on Mike, considering he has such an abundance, but that was far from the truth. Besides Vic, I fell for the guy who was the least number of tattoos.

There’s something different about him. I love his hyper personality; it’s what makes him who he is. But, I also love that he’s serious when we’re talking, that we can have a deep conversation and talk for hours.

“Maddie,” his voice whispers, breaking me out of my thought, and it’s now that I see his hand that he’s waving haphazardly in front of my face like a child. “I wanted to know if you needed more water.”

Shaking my head, I force a smile, trying to calm down the nerves that are trying to take over. “I'm good. I still have a few bottles left in the cooler. What are you doing here, though? Don’t you have an interview soon?” Knitting my eyebrows together, I raise an eyebrow, confused, because I remember that on the schedule was an interview that should be starting in about twenty minutes.

Nodding his head, he shrugs his shoulders, standing up straight, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jean shorts, which only look good on him. “I just, I want to get something off my chest before anything else happens; you know? I have something to say and I want to say it before I have to go do the interview because I’ll hate myself if I don’t say anything.”

Scrunching my nose, I tilt my head to the side, intrigued, caught off guard, there’s nothing that should have to be said before an interview.

“Okay, so we’ve known each other for about a month now, right. And I know that some people think you should be friends first, but we are friends, we’re really good friends. You have really pretty, pale green eyes and I love it how you run your fingers through your hair when you're nervous or bored. Everything about you is amazing, Maddie. Before I do anything else, I want to know if you’ll be mine?”

Blinking, I feel my mouth drop open, my jaw giving out, I have no idea how to react without looking like a child, because all I can do on the inside is scream for joy. Closing my mouth, I feel the corners of my lips curl upward in a smile, probably one that looks goofy, but I don’t really care.

Looking up at him, I nod my head once, answering his question, and he holds his hand out for me to take, which I do, and suddenly I'm on my feet and his lips are against mine. Giggling into the kiss, taken by surprise, I wrap my arms around his neck, opening my eyes slightly to see a bunch of kids standing in front of the table, waiting to buy merchandise or watching for Jaime to turn around and acknowledge them.

Chewing on my lower lip, I sigh softly, opening my eyes to see him smiling at me, at me and only me, no one else. “You thought that I wasn’t going to make the first move.”

“It took you a really long time.”

“Was it worth it?”

“Kiss me again and I’ll let you know.”

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