[ZackMerrick] Faster Than You Can Say All Time Christmas - jreins21

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There’s really nothing to say about it. It’s a holiday that parents use to scare the crap out of their kids into being good all year round.

This fat, jolly man we call Santa is supposed to fall down your chimney without injuring himself and eating all the cookies children bake for him but never dies of obesity.

Everyone is supposed to be with their loved one, giving and receiving presents. On the ground there was supposed to be the beautiful white blanket covering the green grass and the tips of the naked tree branches.

Hot chocolate was to be made and sipped by the burning fire, sparks occasionally hitting the glass that suppressed it into a fireplace.

Parents were continuing to tell their children to be good, for “Santa can change your present quicker than you can say ‘Zack Merrick is in All Time Low.’”

A few of the fathers had dressed up in a Santa costume with pillows tucked underneath their shirts, saying they were having a tribute to the jolly man.

Presents were placed under the tree for the family who owned the house at which the party was being thrown at but also gifts were thrown all over the place from and for the friends who decided to exchange gifts now.

It was raining outside, wiping all of the white fluff off of the tree branches and into random puddles on the front lawn. I was gripping onto a cup of hot chocolate, warming both my hands, and taking small, occasional sips.

My body sank into the black leather couch placed near the fireplace, watching the wood crack beneath the fire.

My feet resting on the empty spot on the couch in front of me, my knees tucked up to my chest. I could hear people discussing his new life in the states and how they hate that they only see him every once in a while.

They would talk to me about him, asking if I was ever planning on getting back together with him to only realize the painful memories that their questions sparked.

No one knew exactly what had happened to us. To be honest, I wasn’t completely aware of what had gone down between him and me.

He had mentioned the band touring and not having the time that I deserve when he called it quits. Everything he said sounded rehearsed from the beginning so I shut it all out, waiting for the ending knowing that he would sum it up in the end.

He promised that we would remain friends, something about me still being important in his life. It was complete bullshit; I wasn’t going to call or text him first and it was evident that he had no intention of speaking to me since I never received either.

Some kids still wait for him by the windows, trying to get the exact second that he walks up the driveway and into the house for Christmas like he had promised when he had left.

It hadn't happened yet. The kids would get bored of waiting for him and go down to the basement to play Wii.

His father would get a phone call from him at around ten and tell everyone that he couldn’t make it, but to tell everyone that he sends his love. The family friends would stop worrying about him and continue on with their conversations.

But, me, I sat there, on the black leather couch at his parents’ house, like I had when we spent Christmas together years before, for him to fulfill at least one of his many broken promises.

I pushed myself up off of the couch like I attempted to push away the memories clouding my mind. It was only during Christmas, or when an important date rolled around, that I truly thought of him.

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