[VicFuentes] I'm Going To Pretend That I Hate You - SlapYouIntoOblivion

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When we were younger, I hated him, I loathed everything about him. There was really no reason for it, to be honest, I think it was mostly because no matter what I did he would never notice me.

At one point, I had a C average in one of my classes, simply because he sat next to me and that was the only way he would talk to me, when I asked for help after the tests were given back. After he helped me because he seriously thought that I wasn’t intelligent, it went downhill from there.

My mother freaked out when she saw the tests on my desk, the ones that I did poorly on, and it was only two of them, I was smart enough to know that I could bring my average up to an A with the other two tests, considering I did all my homework and got above nineties on the quizzes.

And after that, I don’t know if I hated him because he thought I was stupid or because when I didn’t need help he didn’t talk to me anymore.

That was high school, though.

Everything was different after high school. Over the summer, we worked at the same ice cream parlor, one that churned its own ice cream, and it was fun.

We would never make the ice cream together, simply because he avoided me like I was the plague, but we talked occasionally, when the parlor wasn’t crowded, which wasn’t often.

His brother and friends would always come in, make a mess, scream to him from across the shop, and eventually leave.

I would always grab the towel to wipe down the table they dirtied, but Vic would never let me, he would shake his head and take the towel from me.

It was really hard to convince myself that I hated him after working with him.

As we wake up in your room your face is the first thing I see. The first time I've seen love and the last I'll ever need. You remind her that your future will be nothing without her. Never lose her; I'm afraid. Better think of something good to say, but it’s all been done more than once.

I really never hated him. Not really. I hated that I wasn’t his friend, that as laidback and collected and nice and funny as I was, he still wanted nothing to do with me.

He rejected me and I don’t even think that he knew he rejected me.

But, at one point during that summer job before I went off to college to major in Pre-Veterinary Studies across the country, he finally asked me to hang out with him.

Though we didn’t hang out alone, we were with his friends, I had the best time ever. He didn’t leave my side the whole night, and that’s when we became best friends.

I'll keep on trying. Oh God, don't let me be the only one who says, “No,” at the top of our lungs, “there's no, no, such thing as too young. Second chances won't leave you alone, then there's faith in love.”

By the time I was leaving for college, I relied on him more than he ever knew. I couldn’t wait to get to work and talk to him about whatever crossed his mind.

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