chapter 42

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"Jimin. H- hey."

Jimin's breath hitched at the similar yet distinct voice reached his ears.

"Can you pass me the bottle of water."

The voice said again. Jimin took a quick glance at the person who had abruptly approached him.

"No. I cannot."

He replied. Brief and clear.

"Well.. okay. I'll take it myself then."

The voice said.

"No you cannot. This is my water. Go get your own. This stock is for the cheerleading team. Go to your coach to find out where is yours. If you are out of it, its not my problem."

He replied. Again. Sharp and clear.

"Really? So petty over water? "

The other person teased with a slight hint of disbelief in his voice. Well, it wasn't Jimin's fault to act like that. He was the sweetheart everyone loved. But when a certain male you were sure you did not like, kept bothering you; i'm sure everyone would try to maintain a little distance.

"Whatever. Take it."

He answered after a second of thinking. He wanted the male gone. If a water bottle is what it takes, then okay.

"Can i keep it?"

The other male enquired again.

"Well. Do whatever you want Jeon Jungkook. Does it look like i care?"

He huffed glaring at the man a little.

"Well ofcourse you do. By the way you were putting team tags on it just a while ago."

Jungkook really didn't mean to piss off the other. He just wanted to see where a normal conversation would go with the other male. He wanted to be close to the other yet he didn't. So he used the old school- ' i am out of water. Please give me yours.' technique.

Clearly by the way the conversation was progressing, he knew he was in for a long time of efforts to impress the other. Every time he opened his mouth to say something, his smartass bad boy mouth said something he'd not wanted to say. That's how he always got into arguments with people who didn't know him well.

"I do not have time for this. I do not have time for you."

Jimin replied. Clearly disinterested in wherever this talk was going. He was done for the day and wanted to leave in peace so he could go home and sleep. His social battery was out and the sudden Taehyung situation had given him a nostalgic depression he did not want to talk about.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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