Chapter 1

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"Aidan, please talk to me. I can see that you're upset and no matter what don't drive too fast. Officer Coldbone is probably waiting for you and mum will freak out again." Alexis warns and I inwardly groan. "Talk to me Aidan Lance Walker, what happened?" She uses that tone that says she ain't gonna let it go until I tell her everything and she has that annoying way of detecting if I'm lying.
"I broke up with Jane. Happy now?" I sarcastically asked and there was silence and I was prepared for the worst.
"Yes! Oh God I love you right now for finally gracing my big bro with common sense. Well you took your time with that but finally." Alexis dramatically said and I roll my eyes.
"Are you done Alex?" I used a bored tone and she chuckles.

"I'm sorry bro but I can't just be ungrateful for what God has done in your life. You know it was embarrassing knowing your big bro is behaving like an idiot." She said in a low tone and I huff.
"Tell that to a believer, I know you're not sorry." I scoff and she chuckles.
"Aww, you know me so well and besides lying is not good definitely not in your case." She laughs. "I'm waiting for explanation." She stubbornly said and I wanted to hit the steering wheel.
"Can you just leave me alone?" I loudly groan staring at the dark road.
"Leave you alone and do what exactly. You're stuck with me." She chuckles and I heave a sigh. "You know you could have come with Ivan right." She said and I smirk.

"Can he take the rush? He'll say he has a family to come home to." I tease and she was silent which could only mean she's going to say something I am not going to like.
"So you just drive fast to do what exactly Aidan Lance Walker?" She retorts and I groan. "Not this again Alexis." I said and she scoffs. "So we have had this conversation but Aidan will be that knucklehead and do it again. I have a kid of my own and I don't need to babysit my big brother too." She spats and I scoff.
"Then don't do it. Nobody asked you to." I retort and she was silent again.
"You think I haven't try but I don't want to go through that pain again Aidan. We're all hurting and I do understand maybe that is how you grieve but don't scare us like that." She sadly said and I clenched my teeth.

"No Aidan, you listen. Mum was scared half to death when Officer Coldbone called the last time and we need you here. So if you don't care about your life remember we need it to survive. You're the only image of them and we need you to remind us they're still with us. Please Aidan." She said and I stare at the phone knowing I have nothing to say.
"I caught her sleeping with David and it's not a big deal. I was going to break up with her anyway." I explain changing the subject and she remains quiet. "Don't you dare say I told you so." I mutter and she laughs.
"But it's a good thing you ended it. God always make a way, you might be surprised Mr. Cupid will shot his arrow at you on your way coming." She chuckles and I deeply groan.

"Not that fairytale stories again Alexis, like I will see someone here in the dark. Grow up sis, she can only be a bad news. A thief." I tease.
"A thief that will steal your heart." She teases and I shook my head.
"By the way did you see my name?" I asked. "Yeah still on the top ten of man whore list." She retorts, whispering the man whore and I chuckle. "Bet Hazel is there." I said.
"She's in her room talking nonstop about her favorite uncle." She grunts and I could only imagine her face right now.
"Which name are you talking about?" She asked and I smirk.
"The list of people who signed out from Cupid's company and besides it is not like I am going to get out of the car and scream for Cupid to shoot his arrow on my bare chest." I explain and she giggles.

"Yeah he will think you're nuts." She chuckles. "And don't bother wearing black to my wedding if I force you to come." I stated and she huffs.
"Don't flatter yourself, I wasn't coming. I was going to wash the garden with Ivan and your niece till all the leaves of every tree and petals of every flower are spotless." She said and I'd see her smirking. "Ivan... that traitor." I spat.
"Ivan is my husband." She retorts and I roll my eyes. "But my best friend first before you caught him in your web." I said and groan at her reply.
"Aww, that's so romantic. Bae, would you stay with me or Aidan?" I heard Alexis asking Ivan and I already know the answer.
"That is easy. How can I ever leave you?" Ivan said and I roll my eyes.
"Traitor." I scoff.

"Okay sis, I'm tired of talking to you. Leave me alone and stop kissing. That's gross." I muttered with disgust and they laugh.
"I always thought me marrying your sister was going to make you wish at 3am that you had someone but for some reason you're unaffected. Did you sell your heart or what?" Ivan asked and I laugh.
"Nope you just made it worse with your choice. You remember I was shocked when you said you're stupidly in love with my sister, dude that was me grieving for you." I explain and he laughs.
"Aidan FU." Alexis said and I chuckle. "I always wonder how Alex got a man and I am like if she has found someone to love all of her then the world is not safe anymore." I tease and she groans and Ivan was coughing.
"Bye." I said.

"Oh no bro, you're stuck with me." She chuckles. "What are you thinking?" She asked and I smirk. "How to block you Alex." I said.
"Don't you dare Aidan Lance Walker or you're never going to see your favorite niece ever again." She threatens and I huff.
"Can you do that?" I asked smirking and I heard her groan.
"Honey, don't fall for that, you know he's Hazel's favorite." Ivan said and I laugh. "Laugh all you want Aid but you were going to be alone on your cursed wedding. Granny was going to fake waist pain and mum was going to stay with her and you know I and my family will not be attending and Aimee and Amber decided to watch football." She explains and I shook my head.
"But they hate football." I said.
"I know right." She giggles and I glare at the phone.

"I'm so fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family." I sarcastically said and Alexis giggles. "I know right, lucky you Aidan."
"What the hell." I mutter when I saw a flame and it seems a car just crashed and I passed by ignoring the what if's. "What if someone is in the car?" I thought and Alexis brought me back to reality.
"Are you alright? Talk to me!" She asked, fear and concern laced in her voice and I laugh.
"I just saw a naked goddess, I think Cupid just shot me at the wrong place and the arrow is in my balls." I tease and she groans.
"You're an A-hole." She spats and I laugh. "Hush Alexis, I wouldn't say that if I were you, you know Hazel thinks of me as her guardian angel." I told her in a stern voice and she sighs in defeat.

"And that's one big tragedy I tell you. That's why I want you to fall in love and get your heart broken and find happiness before she grows up to see the real you." She teases and I couldn't take the guilt anymore with the thought of someone burning alive. "Why do you have to bring heart break into the happiness you want for me?" I asked and I drove back.
"I got out of the car making my way to the car and my heart skips a beat at how damaged the car was and I hope no one is in or the chance of surviving will be a miracle.
"Aid." Alexis said my name and I realized she was still on the phone.
"Alex, I will talk to you later." I said as I glance at the car and the flame was near to the driver's seat.

"Aidan Lance Wal..." She sternly said and I ended the call.
I rush to the car and it was locked. I clean the window and I gasp when I saw a woman, unconscious and bleeding. I look around picking a big stone and I broke the edges of the window and I managed to open in a rush.
I felt the heat of the flame and I quickly pulled her close.
"Hold on bae, stay with me." I whisper into her ear holding her tight like my life depends on it and I run with her in my arms to a safer place and I stare with wide eyes as the flame took total control of the car and I watch the lifeless body in my arms.

I nearly lost her and what the hell was I thinking and delaying with the thought of no one being in the car. "I'm sorry love." I whisper brushing the hair from her face and I was star struck.
I blink couple of times and checked her pulse but it was weak.
"She won't make it." I murmur and looking around I swear I saw them staring me and they seem proud.

PS: please vote and would love to know what you think.
You can also drop any song that reminds you of this chapter or the story as a whole.
I love Neyo- Never knew I needed and I have screenshot the lyrics from You-tube for you guys.

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