Chapter 10

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"Mmm." I groan as I was constantly shaken from my sleep and I sat up when I heard her sniffs. "What's wrong?" I hoarsely asked blinking to get a clear picture of her and she bits her lower lip and damn it I was fully awake.
"I want hot bread just removed from the oven and believe me I tried to control it but it's haunting me." She shyly admitted and I stare at her with my jaw on the floor.

"At this hour?" I almost yelled and her lips quiver and I closed my eyes to calm down.
"You must be kidding me!" I grit my teeth and I clenched my teeth when I saw the time and fuck it, the words I said in the washroom begin to play. It's freaking 2:15am.
"C'mon haven't you heard sarcasm before?"

I sat on the bed running a hand through my hair and our eyes met.
"You know we should be strict with the baby, she can't always get what she wants and you know what is funny it seems like I am the only one who understands her needs and I have to say it and now you're mad at me." She said playing with her fingers and I chuckle.
"You're not mad at us right?" She asked giving me her best puppy eyes and I hold her hand.

I was lost in her eyes and I knew I could do anything for her and I want to kiss her right now.
"I am not mad at you or our baby." I said kissing her forehead and she heaves a sigh.
I got out from bed and put my sweatpants and hoodie and she bits her lower lips. "Get some sleep baby." I said and she nods but I could see she was worried.

I went downstairs and pulled my phone searching for a bakery shop that will be so kind to be opened at this ungodly hour and I found one.
It is just a few blocks away and my bone freezes when I got outside.
I wasn't the only man cursing in this cold weather when I got out of the car and I saw a man in his morning robe with his disheveled hair and different socks and I knew he is definitely married and his ring proves it.

I sat down and I realized we were like a boys' club freezing our butts.
"So how long have you been doing this?" One of them asked me and the rest stare with interest. "This is my first time and she's six weeks old." I said and they nod.
"Welcome to the world." A man who introduced himself as Jake smiles and I nod. I thanked the woman and Jake gently touches my shoulder and I turn to him.

"Buy yoghurt too, it's good for her and the baby and she will love it." He said like an expert and I smile and I saw the guy with the robe crossing the street in a hurry.
"You're a good guy Jake and thanks." I said after ordering the yoghurt and he chuckles. "I love my wife." He shrugs and I shook hands with him. "And I am Aidan by the way." I said and he nods.

The bread smells heavenly and that made my stomach growls. I parked the car and went inside and I was making my way to the bedroom when she loudly groans and it was coming from the kitchen. I lean on the wall watching her and she seems pissed drinking water with a trough.
"Baby." She smiles looking down at probably her belly and noisily drinks the water from the trough and I smile.

"We can't always get what we want and that is life and oh God I want to eat so many things all at once but I have to teach you self control." She said and I chuckle and her eyes met mine.
I thought I was going to get a hug but she sniffs and took the bread deeply inhaling it with her eyes closed and she smiles at me.
I thought again that she was going to kiss me but she broke the bread and puts it in her mouth moaning and I had to say something to distract myself.

"I brought you yoghurt and I hope you like it." I chuckle as her eyes widen and she hugs and kisses me all at once.
"Thank you." She said.
"Here, open up." She said giving me some of her bread.

I was in my office going through the files Phoebe send and all I wanted to do was have Faith in my arms and get some sleep and the door was knocked. "Come in." I said and she smiles when she enters. "Let's eat, I cooked. I know I wasn't supposed to but I did." She stubbornly said as she puts the tray down and closed my laptop.

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