Chapter 36

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Everything works out for our own good even the bad situations that make you wanna let it all go and end it like I planned to do when I found out about Nathan's intention but little did I know that the dark tunnel was leading me to Aidan.

I left because I needed time to think and look for a way to make it right this time.
Cher was right when she said I will meet someone and I will give my heart a second chance and I know I was strict with my decision of never falling again and be vulnerable but that time I didn't know about Aidan and now I know I can't let him go following my stupid resolutions I made when I was hurt.

When I came back I had this crazy idea of marrying him that moment but somehow I thought maybe he is a rebound but I know he is not.
He is now my boyfriend and the world is beautiful again.
It was no news to our families but they were happy. Our jobs are demanding attention making it hard but we always find a way out and it has been a ritual, one invites the other and we have dinner most of the times or go out.

I haven't seen Nathan since the incident at Aidan's place which I am still mad at him but I feel free and at peace although I don't think I could ever forget what he did to me but it doesn't hurt anymore.
Aidan and I have another ritual, the library dates where we go and read a book and then discuss and it seems like we are rushing but none of us seem to care, we are reading about marriage and listening to relationship and marriage counselors and it sounds silly but one look at him and I can feel he wants to pop out the question and it makes my stomach flip flop.

I should take it slow but the idea of being his wife is exciting.
Violet and I went to Savannah's shop for our fitting and I look around with Violet as Savannah was going to get the dress and my soul connected with one of the dresses and it was hard to look away.
"Faith, that is the one." Violet said it out loud making me break contact with the dress and I chuckle.

"You're the bride." I reply and she scoffs removing the dress and she holds my hand making me stand in front of a mirror nearby and holds the dress in front of me.
"This is a one time dress Faith. Take it." She said and I chuckle again.
"Hold your horses tigress, he hasn't proposed yet and I don't want to sound needy and desperate." I explain and she rolls her eyes still holding the dress.

"You don't notice how he looks at you?" She incredulously asked and I shrug.
"How does he look at me?" I asked and my cheeks were burning up.
"He wants to marry you and I saw it long ago. The problem is he wants you to be ready."

"But I am ready." I blurted out and my eyes widen and she widely grins.

"Splendid, Cheryl will be happy we are doing our wedding on the same day." She jumps with excitement and I frown.
"Jeez Vi, you're alone on your day." I chuckle when she pouts. "I change my mind, I want you to wear this wedding dress." She said and I narrow my eyes at her.
"I am your bridesmaid not a second bride." I retort and she gave me the puppy eyes.
"Alright fine, anything for the bride to be." I groan and took the dress from her and went to the changing room.

"Faith do you need any help? Please come out or I am coming in." Violet shouts and I ignore her.
I walked towards them and they stopped talking and some customers turned around to look at me and I smile.
"Turn around for me baby." Violet said holding my hand and twirls me around and gasps.
"She is made for you, trust me." She said and I look at the mirror and grin.

"Yeah she is." I mutter.

"This is not part of the list but we are taking this one too." Violet told Savannah. "Vi, he has not done it yet." I grit my teeth.
"Excuse me, if she is not sure I want the dress." A young woman probably stressed about her wedding making her look like a bitch rudely said making me and Violet look at her.
"She is sure. You can move to the next dress." Violet shoos at her and she looks at me.

The Angel He Saved जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें