Chapter 38

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Aidan and Faith's house👆

"Making dinner with Thunder and Galaxy." Aidan sent a picture of him in apron and our little babies and I smile.
I called and he answered on the first ring and I heard the dogs barking.
"Hey, beautiful." He said and I laugh when the dogs bark again. "Shush!" Aidan scolds and they whimper.

"They miss you already." He said and I smile. "Oh shit!" Aidan cursed and the dogs bark. "Aidan, are you alright?" I asked and he mutters something beneath his breath and after a while he heaves a sigh.
"Should I be worried?" I tease and he chuckles. "Nah, I got everything under control and besides my desserts are always the best." He confidently said making me roll my eyes.

"Alright babe, I love you and I will be home before you know it." I said.
"Love you too." He said and I raised an eyebrow as Violet was looking at me the whole time. "What did I do wrong?" I asked and she came to hold my boobs weighing them and I pull back but she was not done with her examination.
"What the hell Vi!" I groan and she leans on my desk facing me.

"You're pregnant ain't you?" She asked and I frown before laughing.

"I am not Violet and what made you even assume that?" I asked and she continues to look at me. "I have a lot Faith, your boobs are getting bigger and..."
"Ouch Vi." I said feigning hurt and she rolls her eyes. "Do you have to let the whole world know that I had pimples as a breast? And besides don't you think this is my time and God is working on me?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her.
"And you're glowing somehow." She continues making me gawk.

"Jeez, Vi your new discovery about me is hurtful. All these time what was I to you?" I accused before relaxing in my swivel chair and her eyes scan me.
"Yesterday at girls' day you ate everything. Something is wrong with you." She explains and I roll my eyes.
"The food was delicious and I don't know why but sometimes my body deceives me and makes me think that I am pregnant but I am not." I told her and she heaves a sigh.

It has been three months now after adopting Thunder and Galaxy.
I came home and the door opens and my little angels came out running towards me and I squat giving them the biggest hug.
I went inside with them and I saw him wearing apron and I tried to whistle but I failed and he came pulling me for a hug and I groan.
"I suck at this." I mutter and he kisses me on the lips and Thunder and Galaxy bark and they were jumping with excitement.

"Tonight they are sleeping in their room." Aidan said making me chuckle.
"Let me go change." I said and he nods. "One more thing, do I look fat to you? And..."
"No!" Aidan exclaims in a second and I roll my eyes. "And what about my boobs? Do they seem bigger to you?" I asked and he smirks moving towards me. "We can go check it out." He winks and I push him away.
"Aid, I am serious." I told him and he pulls me close again.
"And I am not joking either, you look great." He said and I smile.

"I will be down in 5." I told him. "No, stay." I told the dogs and they whimper but they did not follow me. I still haven't figure out what their facial expression meant when they saw me naked and I don't want to think about it but the more I think about it I feel judged by them.
I took off my clothes and I stood in front of the mirror watching myself and I see nothing. I went to the closet and I saw the pregnancy test kits Aidan bought and I shook my head.

"I am not pregnant." I told myself but curiosity was getting the best of me.
I am going to prove to Violet that it is now my turn to glow and not because I am pregnant. I went to shower and I am getting nervous.
I was done and I picked the test kit and my smile faltered when I looked at it.
Of course I couldn't glow on my own and my boobs getting bigger have to be because I am pregnant and not because God is now working on them.

It is positive.

It is positive

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