Chapter 22

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"Kidnapping isn't it obvious." He said in a duh tone and I clenched my teeth.
"Whoa, no wonder Aidan calls you firefly." David smirks and I glare at him. I hate that I couldn't get out of the car and when I look at him he was smirking.
"Need a hand?" He asked and I quickly slapped his hand away after helping me stand.

"You don't have to be rude." He teasingly scolds and I glare at Michael before turning to face David.
"Look who is teaching me manners now." I sarcastically said and he ignores me.

I have no idea where we are and it looks like an abandoned place. The only source of light is the streetlight and around it is total darkness and the place has a creepy vibe.
"Wow, you're huge." David teases and I slapped him hard in the face.
"Don't you dare body shame me." I grit my teeth and he mischievously smiles and I glare at Michael when he chuckles.

"Where is Aidan and how did you get his phone?" I asked and he scratches his chin. "Honey, I planned this." He proudly said and I disgustedly look at him. "And you're proud of your brain? Some use their brains to build companies." I smirk when his nose flares and then moan when his nails dig into my arm and his gun is pointing to my belly.
"He took the company that I built." He angrily said making me roll my eyes.

"You sure? How can he take it from you unless it was not yours in the first place?" I retort and I clenched my teeth as his nails dig deeper and his murderous eyes bore into mine.
"Hey David, you said you will not hurt her." Michael nervously chuckles and I glare at him. "Just shut that trap. You should have thought about that!" I snipe and David laughs letting go of my hand and I rub my other hand on where his nails marks are.

I hiss and damn I don't know why I can't seem to shut up and oh God I think I pee-pee on myself when he pointed the gun at my belly.
I gulped when he came back and this time he didn't touch me.
"Baby." He said making me squinch. "If I can grant you one wish what would it be?" He asked tracing his gun from my belly through my breast where he stops and I slap the gun away.

"Keep your dirty hand from..." I swallowed the rest of the words when he points the gun at my left temple making me cry out and he snickers. "I asked you a question princess." He spat in my face and I glare at him.
"Fuck you all." I grit and he simpers, his face only an inch from me and all that I am wishing is the chance to hit that twisted nose of his.

"Naughty bitch. You want threesome." He softly said and I shut my eyes when he traces his gun on my face.
"In your current condition you're useless to perform such task and the wish is in your eyes, say it and it will be granted." He whispers like the devil.

"You can all go to hell!" I spat feeling like my legs will give up on me and my heart leaps when he hollers like I have given him what he needed . He looks at Michael who is awkwardly watching us and then turned to smirk at me and everything happened so fast and the only thing I saw is the fear in Michael's eyes before he falls on the cold ground and my bones froze.

"He shot him in the head!" My inner voice screams and I stood still and I had no idea what strength is supporting me now. I vigorously shiver when I saw the blood and David squats beside Michael and he kisses the side of his forehead and then turned to look at me and I couldn't keep it in when I saw blood on his lips making me puke.

"Save some for your lover because you will be throwing up that brat out when you see the bullet in his head." He said in morose rubbing my back and I shrugged him off.
My eyes were glassy with tears and I closed my eyes deeply breathing and I quickly wipe the tears away. "You killed him!" I nervously said and I shiver when he puts his arms around me.
"I know." He mouths.
"That was your wish baby." He said trying to move me forward but I stood my grounds which he glares at me.

"Then you will be the next to join him." I spat and he smirks.
"Baby girl, the devil doesn't go to hell, he rules hell." He smug making me roll my eyes and I freeze when I felt the gun on my belly again.
"Enough games now, now move!" He snaps startling me and I move.
I captured the place in mind in case I need to escape. I thought when he said I should move, I didn't imagine walking that far and all that the place was screaming is how miserable my death will be. I stopped to rest my aching legs and he muttered something beneath his breath and passed by me from the back and stands in front of me.

The Angel He Saved Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant