Chapter 11

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"There's something in your eyes Aidan." She said cupping my cheek and I put my hand on hers. "What is that?" I asked looking into her eyes and she smiles.
"I don't know how to explain it and oh boy, that is your soul I am seeing." She whispers running her fingers on my eyes and I closed them as she leans in joining her forehead against mine and she inhales.

"Your soul is beautiful and not because of the words you said but you actually care and I am sorry for tempting you." Her silky voice is like a flame melting the ice and her fingers tease my hair.

"I want to have as many kids with you, I want our daughters to have a daddy like you and our sons to be like you and when our girls grow up they should look at their men the way I am looking at you and they will know how I feel." She said kissing my forehead and that was enough to make something I have been trying to make it lifeless beat.

"Only you." I thought opening my eyes to stare into hers and I saw all that I am and hoping to be in her eyes.
I stood up pulling her close and she smiles but eyes land on her tits making me groan and damn I need to shower and she coyly smiles.
"Just gimme a minute, I need to shower." I said before making my way to the bathroom.

I was done as I put the white towel around my waist and she opens the door.
"I hope it is safe for me to enter." She said and I chuckle.
"You know that was thoughtful of Alexis to buy me that lingerie and it's a shame I can't..."
"Alexis! My freaking demonic sister! Why am I even surprised?" I throw my hands in exasperation and her eyes widen as she looks at me through the mirror.

"More like demonic-ful of her and she is my sister but you should stay away from her. She's a bad influence." I said and she rolls her eyes and gulp when she turns to face me and she licks her lips. "I think the one I should stay away from is you." She said her eyes scanning my abs and her eyes met mine and it was pretty clear what she was thinking.

She was still wearing the lingerie my devil of a sister bought and I know why I am in pain right now and she clears her throat saving me from my wild imaginations.
"I think we should talk about the dress code since nothing is going to happen until the baby is out." She said her eyes on my abs again and she shakes her head as if she's scolding herself.

"We must stay focus. So no unnecessary exposing and your attire right now is banned." She points out and it was cute how she was trying hard not to look and then focus her eyes on mine like they are the safest parts to look.
"And no lingerie I know." She beats me to it and I just smirk as we kept looking at each other like to capture this moment and maybe help us through the nine freaking months journey.

I wanted to tell her she has already shown me something no amount of rules or therapy or even holy water is going to redeemed me and now anything she wears is a turn on for me and I can't tell her not to wear my shirt.
"You know your sister actually loves you and I just wish I had one." She said and I huff.
"Yeah right, in her own wicked way and I could have recommended the two of you to be like sisters but she's a bad news." I said and she chuckles.

"I like her already." She said and walks out.

I was in the kitchen with her slicing apples and she was eating them.
"Do you trust science one hundred percent?" She asked and I chuckle.
"Because I don't, pregnancy comes with hormones making one horny but due to some medical reasons I am been deprived so is there something to drain those hormones or it will be my punishment for having an accident?" She asked frustrated and pissed and I couldn't hide my smile.

"Now I have to desire you from afar because you can't be mine for now." She pouts before chewing her apple and I laugh.
"Don't laugh Aid, this is a serious problem." She warns and I kiss her lips.
"We can kiss though." I wink and she rolls her eyes. "Kissing will always lead to frustration in the end." She said and I kiss her again.

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