Chapter 30

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"You look sad honey." Mum said and I couldn't control my tears anymore and I sniff wiping the tears when I saw sadness in their eyes.
"I miss you guys and all these while I thought I was alone. These are happy tears mum." I half lied and fresh tears filled my eyes again when it was written in my mum's face that she doesn't believe me.

"Did he hurt you?" Dad asked suddenly turning into the protective dad mood and I wanted to say yes because he said he doesn't love me.
"No dad, Aidan has been nothing but the best and you should see his family, they are angels." I explain and they smile.
"I can see why you are sad honey." Mum said and I forced a smile.

I lost myself talking to them and asking about Cheryl and Shirley and Violet.
Shirley wasn't sure with what she wanted to do but one thing I admire about her is her ability to turn something into passion so I wasn't worried about her and now mum is saying she wants to be a lawyer and my supposed death did that.
"I had an accident, someone didn't intentionally try to murder me right?" I chuckle at Shirley's motivation but it wears out when they remained silent.

"I don't have heartless people like that right?" I asked again hoping they say something to put me at ease.
"Intentionally yes, you do have a person like that." Dad said making me nervous.
"What did I do?" I nervously asked and they really looked at me like I have lost my mind.
"Nothing honey, you just had bad taste in men. Not that is was your fault but things happen." Dad explains and I had to agree with him but none of the men wanted me dead at least not physically.

"The sham marriage." Dad goes on and I frown. "And why will someone wants to kill me?" I asked and mum's eyes search mine.
"You and..."
"Cheryl is pregnant." Mum quickly said interrupting dad and he frowns.
"Really?" I asked ignoring them communicating with their eyes and I know something is definitely wrong and it has to do with what I was going to ask Cheryl when I see her.

They told me they haven't said a word to my sisters or Violet and they are just going to tell them that they need to go somewhere because it was my dying wish and not to freak them out and Cheryl is in town with her husband.
I was staring at Aidan's phone and he has my picture on it making me smile and then I saw the message Jane sent and it is nothing but I know Jane texting Aidan hi is going to rekindle old flame.

I have said my goodbyes for the million times. Aidan just disappeared and I went to his room to pack but I chuckle knowing I came to his life with nothing but a memory loss but a name and a baby.
I copy my project on a pen drive. I went to Aimee and Amber and after making Amber copy their photos and videos on a pen drive we talked for hours.

The night was long but morning came too soon. I was looking through the window and I saw two cars parked and I know this is it. I have no idea where Aidan is.
I went outside and Aidan's family was there with mine and I look at Nathan from afar and when our eyes met he froze I think.
I walked towards them and Violet and my sisters froze and even my parents reacted like I am just a dream.

"Faith?" They said in unison and I smile. "It is me. Come touch me, ghosts don't have flesh and bones like mine." I quoted what Jesus said to His disciples when he resurrected and they run to hug me.
They sob and I couldn't help but joined them. I miss them so much.
I didn't want to let go when I hugged my parents.
My original family and adopted family were talking like they are an old buddies and they decided they will make time to meet.

"Where is Aidan? I need to apologize I thought he was part of those imbeciles." Dad asked and I glance at his family.
"He has to be in the office for some work." I explain and dad nods.
"I guess I will see him very soon and thank you again for taking care of my angel." Dad gratefully said and then kisses my temple.

I didn't want to talk to Nathan and my family just read my mind.
We sat in the car and I look back to see if Aidan has come.
I closed my eyes resting my head on Violet's shoulder and Cher holds my hand tight. They were watching me like a hawk, I can feel it and Shirley was counting my breath rate.

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