Chapter 23

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"Aidan." Ivan pants and I look at him with glassy eyes.
"I made some calls and Faith is not with Alex or the family. But let's not panic...
"David has her and Michael was his accomplice and darn it! I played right into his script by trusting Faith's security in the hands of a criminal. I will kill Michael myself!" I grit my teeth and Ivan took the phone I was squeezing from me and started reading and Jane came looking at the phone too.

"Oh shit." Ivan exclaims and Jane flinched making my heart skips a beat.
"What the hell."
"I guess killing Michael is not your burden anymore. He is dead." Ivan said showing me a picture of Michael with a bullet buried in his head.

"Can't trust a guy that betrays another man." I read what he typed and I wanted to scream at the phone to show me where the hell is he.

"I can't believe I even spent time with a psycho." Jane said rubbing her left temple. "Enough about yourself princess, at least this nightmare will turn you into a new leaf and I hope it is a good one." Ivan sarcastically spat and I closed my eyes trying hard to keep calm.

My phone chimes and Ivan showed me the picture David sent.
It was Faith tied up and she was sitting in a chair. "I will kill him and how many minutes must I waste for him to tell me where he is hiding her!" I grunt hitting the steering wheel and cursed when I realized Michael has the car key.
"I can't find my car keys either." Ivan gasps.

"Give me the phone and let me see the pictures again." Jane snatches the phone from Ivan who glares at her.
"Where he shot that guy looks familiar and where he has your queen does too." Jane explains zooming out the pictures and Ivan and I share a look.
"But I don't think none of you will survive especially you Aidan." She deadpans and Ivan groans.

"Can you just pretend to be optimistic just for a second?" Ivan grits his teeth and Jane ignores him and looks at me.
"I'm sorry but I can't let you do this. It is dangerous." She said and I clenched my teeth.
"That is not up to you to decide!" I snap and her eyes tear up again.
"Then why don't you find her yourself!" She snaps back giving me back the phone but I didn't take it.

"Jane, I put her and the baby's life in danger." I desperately said and she shook her head.
"You're going to die Aidan. Snap out of this stupidity!" Jane yells making me glare at her. "This is my life Jane and the best you can do is to help me." I retort and she huffs.
"And as sadly as it is I am another fool who doesn't want to see you hurt. You're a fool Aidan." She snickers and I loudly groan.

"Can we all just keep calm? Nobody is dying." Ivan intervenes and Jane scoffs.
"Your friend will if he doesn't listen to me so I will suggest if you have anything to say, say it now or save it for his funeral!" Jane spat and Ivan looks at me and he was considering what Jane just said.

"Aidan can we please just wait for a moment, he might send as the location or ask for ransom like all the kidnappers do..."
"You don't even believe that. Why are we even beating around the bush? At least this will save me some time explaining to you guys who David fucking Arthur is. He doesn't want money and we all know that. He wants to kill Aidan and dullard Aidan here is going to make it happen!" Jane spat and Ivan forms a fist.

"We know that Miss cynical but what I was trying to do is calm us down and find a better way." Ivan snipes and deeply inhales.
"I can't believe that I am saying this but Jane is right. David wants you dead Aidan." Ivan nervously said looking at me.
"I know that but we all know he will kill Faith if he doesn't get what he wants." I mumble and Ivan eyes soften but Jane scoffs making me clenched my teeth.

"She's pregnant Jane and I put her in danger in the first place!" I spat and she sighs.
"I hope you have nine lives Aidan. He is at his old house." Jane said and took my phone and typed the address.
"Thank you Jane." I gratefully said and she nonchalantly shrugs.
I hug Ivan and he holds me a bit longer. "Come back safe or watch Alexis sends me to join you in hell Aidan. It's a command." He whispers holding the back of my neck tight and I pull away and forced a smile.

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