Chapter 2

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I open the back seat and carefully placed her fragile body on the seat covering her up with my jacket and I rush to the driver's seat and called Dr. Knight. I glance many times at the rearview mirror to look at her and she was scaring me by being motionless and I stepped on the pedal with a different motive this time and saw Officer Coldbone as usual patiently waiting for me and I passed by him although it has been a tradition for me to pull over but I need to be at Knight's Hospital.
I was surprised he didn't follow me and I was reminded of Alexis' words that mum will be worried but this time I have a good reason.
I sigh when I came through the gate and saw Dr. Knight and some nurses waiting with a stretcher and I placed her fragile body and went closer to her and whisper into her ear.
"Hold on."

Dr. Knight nods and they rush her to the ER and I was asked to fill some forms.
I left the part where it was asked my relationship with her. I was suffocating with the memory about three months ago and I finally breathe when the fresh air fan my face and I looked at my now blood stained shirt.
My phone rang and I cursed beneath my breath when I saw the name. "Aidan Lance Walker, what just happened? I..."
"I'm at the hospital." I reply and groan when she shouted.
"What! What happened? Are you okay?" She asked fear evidence in her voice and I rub the back of my neck with my hand and I stare at the door. "I'm alright Alex, I brought a woman to the hospital. Damn, she nearly got burn and I'm afraid she can't make it." I grit my teeth as the familiar feeling was so raw and merciless.

"Aid listen, nothing is gonna happen to her. You saved her Aid, just stay and get the update from Dr. Knight and I'll cover for you until you arrived. And before I forget, Officer Coldbone called saying you got away and he wants to see you." Alexis laughs and I groan.
"Don't worry I think he will congratulate you rather." She chuckles and I allowed the silence to reign for a while.
"Mum is freaking out right now wondering what the hell you didn't stop when you saw Officer Coldbone." She said and I inwardly groan. "Hey Aid, you're a hero." Alexis softly said and I stare hard at the door. "Not until I know she'll survive." I argue. "That's not how it works, you putting your life on the line for her is enough and you should be proud. I am proud of you." She said.
"What happened to them is not your fault Aid, they..."
"I swear I was them Alex and they seem proud." I saw in a low tone and she sighs.

"Of course dummy, you should be conceited in this aspect too and not just how girls adore you." She said and I chuckle.
"I love you bro and keep me posted." She said and I smile.
"Love you too."
I sat outside staring at the stars with no admiration because I was mad. "Just tell me my crimes." I murmur and I was startled when a hand touches my shoulder. "Your crime is come and let's talk in my office." He stated and I didn't bother asking him to tell me now well not until we are in his office. "Is she alright?" I asked as I sat down and he stares at me. "She's unconscious and weak and well do MRI to detect any head injury." He explains and I nod before getting up. "Well I think you should explain in detail to her family when they arrived. Don't worry the bills are on me." I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"Where did you find her?" He asked and I sigh. "I was on my way to join my family... you know..."
"Oh yeah it has been three months already." He muttered and I clenched my teeth. "I saw her in a burning crashed car and she was unconscious. I am tired and I have to go see Officer Coldbone in the morning." I tiredly said and he chuckles.
"Do you need me to write a recommendation letter for you? You did good and they are proud of you." He said and I forced a smile.
"What will you do about it?" He asked as I open the door.
"I'll call the police first thing in the morning maybe her family is worried about her." I nonchalantly said and shrug and I raised an eyebrow when he closed the door I opened.
"You can't do this, we don't know what happened and the reason for this." He sternly said and I frown.

"What are you insinuating? That I take her home?" I chuckle and stare with disbelief when he was actually considering it and he liked it. "FYI, what I just said is purely sarcasm. I know you're great as being a doctor and it sometimes baffles me but I guess you're getting addicted to romantic movies and sadly this is reality. It might shock you when you find out that it was a planned work all along." I said and shook my head.
"I guess you're addicted to horror movies." He smirks and I sigh. "Maybe I believe in it because one wrong move of letting a stranger in and you might never be the same if you get the chance to survive." I said and walked out.
I sat in my car and I turn the music high for distraction as I was even thinking of Dr. Knight's words. I know I almost lost her but she's going to be alright now and that should be okay.
I arrived home and went straight to shower and I sat on the edge of the bed after I was done and the thought invades again.

"What if I wasn't there in time?"
I was supposed to be with my family and looking at the time it was 12:01am and it marks three months of misery.
I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling and I didn't fight it as all the memories started replaying and I saw how they stared at me they were proud and that's enough for me.
I woke up and called the police giving vital information but I didn't add that she was alright and Officer Coldbone was impressed for the first time for my speed and I slept again. The phone vibrated scattering every cell in my brain and for few seconds I was lost and confused with reality and I grumpily sat on the bed.
"Mmm." I sleepily murmur. "Aidan, I want you in my office this minute!" Dr. Knight said in a stern voice and ended the call before I could say anything.

"Just a very nice way of starting my day." I groan and went to shower. I wore my blue jeans and black shirt and went downstairs and greeted Rose. Rose and her husband are my employees and they are very nice old couples.
"Aidan, I thought you left." She said stunned to see me and I pick an apple and took a bite. "I thought I left too." I said and she laughs.
"Okay I gotta run." I said and kiss her cheek and I drove to the hospital. I enter his office and he was grumpy.
"I bet someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed." I tease and he gave me it's not funny look. "Why were the police here in my hospital?" He furiously asked and I frown at his mood. "Because I'm a competent citizen and by the way did they find her? Don't worry my secretary will communicate and settle the bills." I said and he smirks which I didn't like and I made it to the door and his words froze me and this time I shut the door and look at him with my jaw on the floor.

"She's awake and she wants to see her husband and looking at the forms you filled, your relation with her is that you're the husband." He said and I laugh. "That's a good joke Dr. Knight and this could brighten my day but you're kidding right?" I asked in between the laughter and stopped when he didn't smile.
"Oh you are not?" I lazily stare at him. "Well I want to see the form and point to them my handwriting or why don't you give me another form and I will write an essay explaining that I am a stranger who found her." I rant and he just looked.
"Are you done?" He asked and I frown. "No actually I am just getting started. You know this is definitely not the day to entertain drama." I said and he sighs. "There's more Aidan." He calmly said and it is obvious that I am going to hate what he is going to say next.

"Congrats Mr. Walker your wife is pregnant."

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