Chapter 24

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I slowly opened my eyes and I saw the white skies and it has suns.
"Aidan." I murmur turning to the other side as the moving skies were making me dizzy and I saw people in white coats and it seems like they are running.
"Patient is awake!" Someone screams and I close my eyes.
The pain subside and all that I was hearing is people talking and I was feeling pain at my wrist and at last everything seems to be peaceful and I open my eyes again and saw the doctor with a nurse beside my bed.

"Please save my baby." I mumble and they smile. "Get some rest, you and the baby are going to be okay." The doctor said with a smile and I quickly look at the nurse for confirmation and she smiles. "Thank you." I said and closed my eyes.

I open my eyes and someone was holding my hand making me turned and it was mum.
"Honey, you're awake. Thank God." She stands and moves to cup my cheek.
"How are you doing? Do you need to use the washroom or..."
"Mum, thanks and I am alright. How is Aidan?" I asked and she smiles.
"He is alright honey, the doctor said he needs his rest." She softly said and I nod.

"And same rule applies to you honey." She sternly said and I smile.
Mum helps me use the washroom and she fed me and I wonder if my mum would be just like Aidan's mum. They checked my vital signs and mum and I smile when we heard the baby's heart beat.
"She is tough as her mummy." Dr. Knight said and I smile.
"Is it alright with you if Officer Coldbone comes in and asks you some few questions?" Dr. Knight gently asked and I hold mum's hand tight before nodding.

I answered all his questions and both mum and Dr. Knight were beside me.
"That will be all." Officer Coldbone nods and I forced a smile.
"And is he still alive?" I asked and he mischievously grins.
"Yes Mrs. Walker." He teasingly said and I stare at my lap.
"Will I go to prison for wishing I could have done worse... like end his miserable life?" I asked and he was amused and mum and Dr. Knight chuckles.

"Well I don't think I should put that down but what you did is enough." He chuckles and mum sat beside me on the bed brushing the hair off my face.
"Get well soon Mrs. Walker." Officer Coldbone said and I smile.
Grandma, Ivan and Alexis came in to check up on me and Alexis sat beside me on the bed.
"How are you doing?" She asked concern laced in her voice and I smile.
"I am okay." I mumble and she holds my hand.

"I am glad that you are safe." She smiles and we remain silent for a while.
"David told me what you did to his nose." I chuckle and she smirks.
"And Aidan told me what you did to his balls. Girl you're a legend." Alexis eyes gleam with pride like a mom of a hero.
"Well, get enough rest and I will come back and you my sniper will teach me some tricks. I was thinking of a prison break but this time we are going in. I want to ruin his face and what do you want to do to him?" She evilly grins and I laugh.

"Baby, enough about prison break. Remember you have a husband, a three year old daughter and you're pregnant." Ivan sternly said and I gasp.
"You are..." I stop to look at her belly and then back to her eyes and she smiles.
"Yeah, I didn't want to make myself the center of attention." She waves her hand and rolls her eyes and I hug her.
"Congrats Alex, I am so happy for you." I squeal hugging her tight and she hugs me back.

"Thank you Faith. But I don't know why Ivan has to point all that I am. Why does he have to be such a party pooper, people get away with murder and this time it is the right thing to do." She pouts and I giggle.
"I know he can't live without me but does he has to ruin my happiness?" She glares at the door Ivan just closed when he and Grandma went out.
"For the records I want to ruin his entire reproductive system." I wink and laugh as her eyes widen and she is definitely the mother of Hazel.

"It will be incest for you and bro if I say that you're the twin that I never got the chance to meet. I love you." She dramatically said and throws her arms around me.
"Well, Aidan will kill me. He wants me to give you my phone so that he can FaceTime you and I forgot." She said removing her phone from her purse and I smile.

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