Chapter 8

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I call Michael to drive her safely back home. My life is already complicated when I was pronounced against my will that I am a fake husband and father to be to strangers and the worst part is this uncultured desire of mine.
For goodness sake, this is not a hallmark movie where people fall in love in the shortest time and no offense to the rare love at first sight people.

In case someone didn't go through the story, well let me point out the facts; she's beautiful and wears my shirt and I am a guy with my balls intact, I have to kiss her and show all the emotions I don't want to feel and unless someone do something I will have no choice but to do it and where will that leave me when the time comes? Is there going to be a tube to drain all the emotions and then leave me empty and happy like I once was.

But let just say I did something wrong to deserve this but can someone please think about my family, they can't afford to lose someone again and I can't afford to lose her.
I stare at the box she brought and Phoebe came in. "Cancel all my appointments and tell Ivan that I will call him." I told her and she nods as she stares at the box Faith brought.
"Do you happen to know what's inside?" I smirk at her and she coyly smiles.
"They are cupcakes sir and very mouthwatering." She smiles and I open it and took one.

"You can have the rest." I chuckle as her eyes shine like a kid at Disney Land and I remember Hazel. "Thank you sir, your secret is safe with me and I will do as I have been told. Please do thank her for me." She said and I smile.
Phoebe is the best personal assistant ever, she's professional and that's what I like about her.

I sat in my car and was thinking of what to say to her. I had no clue doing a fake job requires a lot of work. I went upstairs and I found her door open and my heart skips a beat.
I sigh a relief when I saw her asleep with a pen in her hand and one of my notebooks beside her. She has been crying and I hate myself for being the reason but I just want us to say our goodbyes without hurting each other.

"But who said goodbye won't hurt?"

"How can I be nice to you when you're creeping in my other life I vowed never to let anyone in?" I whisper watching her chest rises and fall and my hand itches for a touch.
My eyes got a glimpse of her handwriting and I wanted to read even though I know I am not supposed to.
"But what if she's lying or just remembered something?" I defend and took the book.

He's an unbearable star that shines in my darkness and a soft whisper of hope when I thought my life was over.
He has not done a single good deed since I lost part of my identity but why the heck do I still believe in him?
But the criteria on the next page render me confuse. I chuckle as I look at her and turn to the next page. I smile at the title.

Things he will do if he truly loves you.

Communication- he's a jerk and it never happens.

Apologizing just to make everything alright- he's the CEO of ego and he never bows down to simple sorry.

Make love- HELL NO! And I think he's impotent for some reason and I'm going to prove it very soon." I read and I couldn't help but smile.

"Impotent, that's the harshest word I ever heard from a lady." I murmur with a smile as I brush a hair from her face.
I hold my breath watching her and wishing our story could be different. I tuck her in and I smile at her words for me.
I went to my office to go over the work I was supposed to do and I added on my schedule to go shopping with her.
I hope someone pulls me from this whirlpool before things get out of hands.

I couldn't wake her up and I honestly don't know what she wants to eat so I order different kinds of food. I turn and she was leaning on the wall staring at me and I smile.
"Oh hey, come sit down and eat. I ordered something for us to eat and there are lots of options to choose from." I nervously smile and she was quiet.
"Please do it for the baby." I mumble as I carefully move closer pulling a chair for her and she sat down.

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