~ Chapter 11 ~

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The conference room had few figures that Tamia recognized from the Winter Gala Ball or other encounters while some were still unidentified. G sat at the very end of the large meeting table as the head while Tamia stood to the right of his chair. There was Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, Asriel, two female human look alikes, a goat woman, Papyrus and Gaster as well as a shorter skeleton who wore dark blue, almost, black attire. The thing was, he had no cracks in his skull like the rest of the skeletons she had met. 

Besides that, they all conversed well among each other, their voices professional and calm. Well... most of them. There was a girl with pale milky white skin, brown hair with bangs, red eyes and rosy cheeks. She wore a dark green vest with a black shirt underneath and dark green slacks. She held a vengeful expression, her attitude hot-headed and arrogant. The girls sudden outburts were extremely troublesome, but were quickly resolved by Asgore telling her to keep quiet. According to what they called her, her name was Chara.

Now, the other replica of Chara was different. She sat beside the short skeleton in the dark blue suit, her eyes shut tight. She wore a purple black suit, giving a feminine but clean look to herself. Her face was slender and tan, perfectly complimenting her short dark brown hair supported with bangs in the front. She held a neutral expression, her persona calm and collected. And might Tamia add, she seemed nothing, absolutely nothing, like Chara. Her name appeared to be Frisk.  

The meeting was morally about finances and income, who would take care of what, and so on. It was rather boring. Afterwards, Y/N stood right beside G as he communicated with his associates. He was chatting with almost everyone from the conference room, the short skeleton and the goat lady from earlier whose names she had not learned of yet.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait... You got yourself a personal assistant? For what reason G, you know you can handle things yourself." The short skeleton spoke, eyeing Tamia suspiciously. He was at least two inches shorter than her, but that didn't matter, he didn't trust her. In fact, the whole group felt uncertain about her but chose not to say anything. She continued to look straight ahead, her posture upright and hands folded behind her back. 

"Well, I suppose I've been a bit on edge lately about things," G sighed, rubbing the back of his vertabrae. "So, a personal assistant was the best idea I could come up with." 

"I don't trust her," he mumbled. 

"Sans, she can hear you," G replied. 

"I don't give a fuck! Hell, where'd she even come from anyways?!" Sans shouted. "You show up here with a unidentified woman at the conference meeting who nobody knows of! I mean, I just---"

"That's enough," G interrupted, his gaze serious. "We'll be going now. We'll see you all at dinner. Come now, Miss Kent." He put a hand on her shoulder dismissively for a second before shoving his hand back into his pocket. Tamia immediately turned her heel and followed after.


 "Everyone there is going to interrogate you regardless of how you feel," G reminded her, the both of them exiting the car. "You have my permission to speak up for yourself. Just remain formal is all I ask." He wore a sophisticated black tuxedo suit that made him look professional as usual. 

"As said before, I'll be able to handle myself," Tamia assured. She now wore a dark turqiose blouse with black slacks and heels, small diamond studs on her ears, and a pink gloss on her lips. Don G looked to find any uncertainty or reluctance in her solemn expression but could find none. They entered the front hall and past the doors into the main hall where dinner was being held, everyone already acquainted. 

I'm a Fighter, Not a Lover (Don G x OC) Mafiatale/MobtaleWhere stories live. Discover now