~ Chapter 21 ~

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G had noticed she was far more quiet than usual, the dim light in her dark chocolate eyes faded. The corners of her eyes had a slight redness to them, seeming just a tad bit swollen as if she had been crying the night before.

Who knows, perhaps she had.

When it came to communication of the recruits or other employees, just a simple look of hers would make them squeak away. As far as her aura, it was definitely unsettled. Her soul throbbed dully, mixed emotions of which he could sense were anger and sadness.

He knew on her break she'd be practicing her skills and of course let off some steam since she got agitated easily at times.

Tamia fought fiercely, swiftly, silently. He could tell she restricted herself to a certain extent, he just didn't know why. Even though she fought with restraint, her fearless eyes read otherwise, a caged beast begging to be released.

After she had freshened up only then did he intend to ask her what was wrong. And when he did ask, she denied any further information than what she told him last night through text message.

It didn't help but leave G feeling the need to investigate himself upon the matter. Although it was none of his business, he couldn't stand to feel the painful throb of her soul.

It was already cracked and badly damaged, the best he could do would perhaps be to console her, but even consolence only does so much.

A charity ball would be held tonight at the  grand hall. The purpose was to raise money for a children's hospital not too far from Ebotts main district. He was one of the major sponsors in contribute to the event, so of course he had to attend. That meaning, Tamia would have to tag along as well, which he didn't mind at all.

He enjoyed her company. She was an intelligent woman with a logical set of mind. However, what bothered him was she never allowed herself to be emotional.

It was always head first, heart no where involved. In majority of situations, he could understand that principle as a male, but females are distinctly emotional creatures. It's not a bad thing, no, it's just nature.

Tamia, if she did show emotions, it was rather on instinct of rage, anger, agitation, or stress. The results were never at best positive. It had only been one or two rare occasions where he had witnessed her genuinely smile, not strained, not forced, not sad, just, genuine.

She wore a light creme sweater with dark blue jeans. Her braided hair was up in low bun, lips glossed a clear transparent shine.

"Something wrong?" He asked, Tamia shook her head.

"Thank you. And, no, everything's fine," she replied, taking his files off his desk.

"You say everything is fine, but your eyes tell me different," G implied.

"I just had a rough night and couldn't sleep. Nothing else, trust me," she assured, G obviously not taking her word for an answer. "Question. Why are you so concerned?"

"I have my reasons, just call it intuition," he emitted. Tamia assorted the paperwork and put the files in alphabetical order into the file cabinets.


Her being busy wasn't getting this conversation anywhere, he needed her full attention.

"Alright, that's it." His eye socket glowed a soft blazing yellow followed by the gesture of his hand.

Before Tamia could react with words, a yellow aura surrounded her body and lifted her midair. She was swiveled around to face him, a serious expression on his skull.

I'm a Fighter, Not a Lover (Don G x OC) Mafiatale/MobtaleWhere stories live. Discover now