Chapter 1

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Laura's POV
It was a warm spring night, I was walking home from my friend Paige's house. Her house was about a mile away from mine. I didn't mind the walk because it was mostly calming at night, in the moon light, in a small town outside of Transylvania's heart that I called home. I was about half way home when I was suddenly joined by a guy walking towards me. He had something running down his face from his mouth. Something in his mouth making his lips bulge out sorta like he was blowing air against his closed lips. The closer I got the better I could see him. He walked under the street lamp and I could see him perfectly. He had pale skin, red eyes, and messy dark black hair. The stuff on his face was visible now that he was in the light of the lamp. The stuff was bright red and I knew exactly what it was. It could be nothing else but that, there was no doubt about it. The shinny red liquid was blood. He looked at me with his deep red eyes from under the lamp.

"Are you okay?" I yelled out and he smiled at me revealing his sharp teeth that have been coated in blood. I was scared now. My hands started shaking and my palms got hot and sticky with sweat, my heart rate went up, my eyes were now stuck open, and I stopped walking towards him. I quickly blinked when my vision got blurry and when I opened my eyes again, he was gone. He was no longer under the street light. Now he was behind me with his head next to mine over my shoulder. He then lightly touched his cold, stone fingers down my spine sending shivers all over my back. Not in delight. No. In fear and disgust.

"What's wrong? Haven't seen a vampire before?" He asked circling around me looking at me. He treated me as if I were prey for a lion. His circling continued, him eyeing me carefully and sharply

"Tony what have I told you about playing with your food?" Another voice said as another guy joined us

"Whatever Chris." Tony said

"F-Food?" I said the word getting caught in my throat.

"Yes sweetheart. Food" Chris said

After he said that I snapped. I broke free of Tony's grip and ran as fast as I could in the direction of my house. I looked behind me to see if they were following me and when I turned around I ran into something. Well someone who was as hard as rock. But it wasn't tony or Chris. He bent down and helped me up. His large pale hands freezing, his eyes a golden butterscotch, his perfect blonde hair with golden locks, his perfect, pale, freezing skin. He wore a black shirt and white skinny jeans. His feet were covered with black converse and around his waist weaved in the loops of his pants a black belt clipped in the third hole. His jeans have little styled rips in them and hugged his legs. They weren't painted on tight. But they weren't flooded loose either. They hugged his legs giving him enough room to walk normally and sit on the couch cross legged without the fear that they'd rip.

"Sorry." I whispered softly trying to pass him.

"Woah, woah, woah. Where do you think your going?" He said in his sweet voice grabbing my arm. His voice made my back tense for unknown reasons, and his touch made my brain freakout

I ignored his touch and my racing mind, pulling my arm out of his grip I starting to run again. When I turned the corner I ran into his arms again and he wrapped his arms around me. Peaking over his shoulder I see Tony and Chris running back towards us. I tried to get out of his vice grip but he wouldn't let me go. I started shaking when they finally reached us, but stopped a few feet behind 'him'.

"Ross just give us the girl and nothing will happen." Chris said with a smile and glare towards Ross. Ross turned to face them. Despite my fight to leave his arms he gently nudged my face into his chest. His sweet aurora filled my senses and I struggled more. It was like a drug. A drug I didn't want any part of. His voice pierced the atmosphere around us and made me flinch from his intensity.

"And let you break the rule of hunting and walking on our territory. No, leave or I will rip both of your heads off. You know I'm stronger than both of you." He said. I finally broke free of his arms and started running in the opposite direction I was running before. I heard hissing  and yelling. Then I heard something glass like break. It happened again and again. I stopped running and turned around. I was then thrown backwards and someone stepped on my leg. I screamed and the guy was thrown off of me and I heard another glass like thing break. One of the four that ambushed me rushed over to me . I looked up only to find that, that someone was 'Ross'. I tried to get up and away from him but every time I tried, I would get a sharp stabbing pain in my left leg. The leg the man stepped on and my stomach. Ross knelt next to me and gently pulled up my left pant leg the best he could. I was afraid he was going to hurt me like the other people did. I started shaking and a few tears fell down my face. He looked at my leg then back at my fear filled eyes. He put his hand up to my face and wiped my tears away with his ice cold thumb. He then wrapped his right arm around my waist and his left arm under my legs and slowly stood up taking me with him. His black shirt is short sleeved and his cold arm touched the bare skin on my back making me shiver. I had more fear in my eyes than I did before as I looked up at him. He looked down at me, gazing into my eyes. He looked forward then looked back at my eyes.

"You don't have to be afraid of me." He said in his warm gentle voice. Like smooth creamy honey.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. My voice shaky.

"My house, my dad will fix your leg." He said.

"No put me down I don't know you nor do I trust you." I said trying to get out of his colpd gentle arms. He tightened his grip and held me closer. His grip didn't hurt me but it prevented me from moving much. I stopped struggling once I realized that he wasn't putting me down anytime soon.

"What's your name?" He asked walking into a parking lot towards a black Volvo.

"Lauren." I whispered looking up at him. We had finally reached his car.

"That's a pretty name but I think we both know that your lying. You don't have to tell me but it be nice to know." He says trying the back door while still holding me.

"Laura. My real name is Laura." I whispered softly. I didn't even realize I told him my real name. The tingles and sparks clouded my mind and had some sort of weird control on me.

"Wrap your arms around my neck Laura." He said. My eyes snapped to his beautiful brown eyes and I gapped at him.

"Excuse me? Why?" I said looking back to the car.

"Well did you want to fall?" He asked. I sighed and slowly but hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck. He breathed in as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He then slowly removed his arms from my back and reached for the door handle. He tried to open it but it was locked. He reached into he right pocket but the keys weren't there.

"Dang-it, um Laura?" He said

"Hmm." I said but it was muffled because I was laying my head on his chest. 1 because I was tired. And 2 because my leg hurt and it made it more comfortable to be in his arms. He looked down at me and his breathing increased.

"Um.....uh.....can you reach into my left pocket and get my keys?"

"Um sure." I said and slid my hand into his pocket and pulled out his keys.

"Here" I said and placed my head back on his chest and closed my eyes. I don't know why I laid down on his chest and closed my eyes. I just felt felt so safe with him. I don't know why or how, but I just did and it was calming to be in his arms. I opened my eyes when he placed me in the car on the seat and looked up at him. He put his hands on my legs and turned me into the car. He closed my door and seriously a second later he was in the drivers seat starting the car. I leaned my chair back and closed my eyes. i soon fell into a deep sleep.

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