Chapter 20

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I woke up starving. Never had that feeling before. I could normally go like a week without eating. I unraveled my arms from Laura's waist and walked over to the window and closed the curtain the rest of the way blocking out the sun with the black out curtains. She stirred slightly and mumbled an incoherent thing and turned over letting out a sigh. I walked out of our room and closed the door. Walking down the hall I passed Kenzie's door and heard a small scratching noise. I opened the door and found Kenzie sitting on her bum looking up at me. I smiled down at her and picked her up carrying her to dads office to get her cast removed. She curled up in my arms her soft fur rubbing up against my arm and her paws dangling in the air as I walked. She looked as if she were about to fall asleep and her wrapped paw hung low do to the weight of the cast. Her nose was a gentle grey along with the tip of her right ear. Her eyes were blue and her nose twitched a few times. Her pink nose was adorably small and her tail was fluffy and soft like a fuzzy fleece blanket. I gently pet her exposed belly and walked into dads office. He looked up from his desk where he was looking at something on his laptop and looked at us. He got up shutting his computer and walked over to his cabinets, grabbing this he needed. I gently set Kenzie on the metal table and she jumped. Dad quickly sedated her with a knock out serum and she passed out within two minutes of it entering her blood stream. He grabbed his tools he needed to remove the cast and quickly did. Just in time for the serum to run out cause she stirred and woke to dad putting his tools away, no so quietly might I add. He gently pet Kenzie and I picked her back up and carried her out. I walked back to her room and set her down on the floor and sat on her bed. She hoped over to her closet and shifted back to her human form. Soon she walked out with faded jeans and a pink shirt on. She walked over to me and I picked her up and stood up holding her on my hip. She laid her head on my shoulder and I walked to mine and Laura's room to wake her. I set Kenzie down and crouched down next to her.

"Go wake mommy." I said and she smiled. She turned into a wolf that looked like Luke and hoped up on our bed. She threw her head back and howled, very loudly. Laura jolted awake and Looked at Kenzie.

"Luke. I'm gonna kill you." She said and with that Kenzie ran out and got dressed. Laura hopped out of bed and was about to pursuit but I grabbed her waist and held her. Kenzie walked in pretending to have just woken up and I chuckled. Luke walked in yawning and Laura attacked him.

"Ahhhhhh" he yelled falling in the floor with Laura on top of him.

"Why did you wake me at..."she paused looking at her watch. He eyes widened and she hit his chest.

"9 flipping 30 in the morning." She yelled and Kenzie fell down laughing so hard. Luke had the most confused look on his face and looked at me and Kenzie laughing.

"It was Kenzie. I literally just woke up." He yelled and Laura got off of his waist.

"Is this true?" She asked Kenzie. Kenzie nodded and Laura smiled. Luke had an evil smirk like he knew what was gonna happen.

"Ok. Let's go get something to eat." Laura says picking Kenzie up and walking past Luke. His jaw dropped and he starred at me wide eyed. I chuckled and walked up to him. I pat his back and smiled at him trying to hold back my laughter, but failing miserably.

"Good luck man." I said and walked out. He huffs and follows me to the kitchen. When we walk in he glares at Kenzie and she gives him a cheeky grin. He growls and she hisses. He looks confused and Laura hands him a plate of pancakes. Then hands me a plate and Kenzie a plate before grabbing a plate for herself and leaving the rest for the others. We all ate in a comfortable silence with an occasional yawn and the sound of forks and knives hitting the glass plates. Kenzie finished first, being the smallest and having the least, then placed her plate in the sink and ran out, the up the stairs. Next was Luke. Then me and Laura finished and I took her plate and cleaned it off and put them in the dishwasher. I turned to face Laura who was casually trying to sneak out my slowly tiptoeing to the door. I silently walked up behind her and grabbed her waist, turning her around, pulling her to me, and the gently kissing her soft lips that had small traces of syrup. Dylan walked in a groaned.

"God get a room." He groaned and Laura stuck her hand out and flipped him of before pulling away and smiling at him.

"We have one." She said and tried to move away.

"Then use it." He mumbled walking past us to the table. She quickly walked him on the back of the head and he looked at us. She pushed away from me and pointed an accusing finger at me holding not back a smile.

"He did it." She yelled and ran. I rolled my eyes and turned to face Dylan and he looked upset.

"You don't actually believe her, do you?" I asked and he chuckled while mouthing no and shaking his head. I just walked out to find my little queen on the couch intently watching NCIS and practically drooling over Dinozo. I walked over to her and turned off the tv then picked her up over the back of the couch. She pouted, sticking out her bottom lip and folding her arms, while I carried her upstairs to our room.

"Get dressed. We are going to the park, then the movies or what every you want to do." I say and she nods walking to the bathroom with a towel over her shoulder. After she got in be shower I quickly ran out the door and into Rydel's room.

"The party is happening today so hurry up and get the place ready. I'm leaving and taking Laura out all day. Hurry up." I say quickly then run back to our room. She sat on the bed with her phone in her hands and just looks at it. A single, silent tear falls from her hazel eyes and I walk over to the bed and sat next to her and pulled her on my lap, cradling her in my arms while she buried her face in my chest. I kissed her hair and she quickly stopped. I have her a gentle smile and stood up setting her on the bed. I quickly went to the closet and changed into bark blue ripped jeans, a grey v-neck, and some black and white converses. I fixed my hair and walked out to Laura who still sat on the bed.

"You ready?" I asked and she smiled up at me and nodded.

"Yeah." She said and I held out my hand.

"Let's go." I say with a sweet smile and she returns it and gets up grabbing my hand and dragging me out to the car.

"Where to first?" I asks while opening the door for her.


Regardless (Raura Vampire)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz