Chapter 42

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Huge thanks to aaloveu2 for the help of finding someone to play James. We decided on Jake T. Austin. Sorry for those of you who don't like him but it is what it is.

I'm truly sorry for posting then taking it down as many time as I did. I'm still not use to the new phone version of wattpad. Accidentally hit publish. Anyway here is the chapter. Enjoy

Amber = scared/worried
Emerald = Happy/Excited
Dark Purple = Hungry
Dark Brown = about to kill
Green = confused
Grey = calm
Dark blue = embarrassed
Blue = sad/depressed
Brown = normal
Red = mad/angry
any shade of pink = the amount of love I have for the person I'm looking at.

Waking up to your mate is probably the best feeling in the world. You wake up and your warm with tingles and sparks erupting everywhere your touching. Kenzie is curled up against me while I am curled up around her protectively. I kissed her forehead before getting up and walking to the closet to get boxers, shorts, and a t-shirt. I left the room with my arms full of clothes and went out side. After placing the clothes at the base of a tree I let the shift consume me. After the pain disappeared I opened my eyes and stood up. I bowed down and stretched my back out then my legs. After my muscles loosened up I took off running into the woods. I ran around before I smelt a rabbit. I followed its scent but crossed over a familiar scent. My wolf grinned and took over following the scent. Five minutes later we came to a clearing and in the clearing was a group of rogues standing in the center. I crept around them and looked between two of them. In the middle of them stood Kenzie shaking, looking as if she were about to piss her self. My wolf let out a loud ferocious growl and they all looked at me.

'Roughs on the Lynch's land. East side. Between their house and yours. They have Kenzie surrounded.' I mid linked Ethan and he soon replied saying that he was on his was with some fighters.

'How many?' He asks.

'6' I say and watch them from the darkest shadows. They searched for me but I never showed. When they started closing in on her again my wolf lost it. Don't get me wrong I love her but if I had run in there I would have died and so would she. My wolf decided to run out and attack one of them and snap his neck. I stood a few feet from the circle with the rogue dead at my feet. Kenzie shrunk back and slowly started crawling towards me. One charged at her and I ran and stood over her growling at him. He stopped and lowered his head challenging me. A wet tongue touched my flank and I snapped my head towards it and snapped but instantly regretted it. Luna, gem, stood there unfazed. I looked at her apologetically and she nodded curtly. She leaned under me and grabbed Kenzie before taking her away and back to the Lynch's. She let out puppy cries for me and I looked back at her. After she disappeared into the trees with Luna I turned back to see Ethan standing in front of the rogue. I growled and bowed my head telling him I accept his challenge. He is big and buff but my dad taught me how to fight these types of guys. Alpha stepped out of the way and I circled the rogue looking for his weak point. When I found it I pretended to be looking still and he lunged at me. I quickly jumped forward out of his kill zone and once he passed me I whipped around and snapped my jaw shut behind his neck on his spine. He fell limp but still alive. My wolf took over and carved into his side. 'Stay away from my mate' The entire time he yelped and growled at me but he Colt, my wolf, didn't stop. After that he gave me control back and I walked away slowly out of energy.

"Here eat this. It will give you energy." Ethan says holding a bar of food out for me. I took it and I suddenly felt like I could run 60 miles. Quickly ran back to the house and shifted throwing on my clothes I watched as they cared for Kenzie. She was crying into Jases shoulder.

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