Chapter 29 Gem

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Laura's pov

While walking around in the woods I venture to the lake about a half mile from mine and Ross's house. I sit on a boulder, and just watch the sun rise above the tree line. The sun's warm rays gently shining on my cold face heating it up almost making me want to take my coat off. I pick up a medium sized stone and throw it on the lake and it skids across the ice as easily as water flows through a soft and gentle stream. It slowly comes to a stop about 20 yards from the edge where I just about stood and I just stared at it. wondering things like, Did my father make it safely to heaven? is he watching over me now? making sure I'm okay?

That last question was answered when an icy voice spoke from behind me. His voice was hoarse, and impaled my ears and to be honest, it actually hurt. Probably more than it would have hurt if I had fallen through the ice into the icy water waiting to trap the next animal that ventured onto it. I held my phone in my hand, which by the way is my trusty flip phone, and I flipped it up and pressed 2 and call before putting it in my sweatshirt pocket in a few swift movements. I sat there not moving and waiting for something bad to happen. I stood up and walked into the ice. Carefully, making sure to watch where I step, so I don't step on a slippery patch of ice. I easily walk across it and got about 6-7 feet in. I felt his cold hands on my waist before I heard him. He put his head next to mine and hovered it over my shoulder and said,

"You shouldn't have come out here alone" and with that he pushes a pressure point in the back of my neck knocking me out cold.

When I wake up i found myself laying in on an old and rusty cot in a cell surrounded by stone walls except for the wall that leads to the hall of cell doors. That wall held a series of metal bars standing vertically. The cell door was rusty but still extremely strong. To strong for me. I slowly got up off my cot and noticed my sweater on the floor next to it. I picked it up and shook it out to get rid of the sand and dust that may have stuck to it when I picked it up. Once I was satisfied with it I neatly folded it and set it on my cot before looking around. I looked through the bars of the cell door and into the cell across from mine. There stood a girl. Her hair is dark and her skin is covered in dried mud, dirt, and dust. She has a few cuts on her arms but other than that she looks fine, except the fact that she is extremely malnourished. She sat on the ground in the middle of her cell and watched me.

"Hello." She called out and I gave her a small and gentle smile.

"Hi. I'm Laura." I say and she nods slowly

"And who might you be" I ask sounding way to mature and formal for my liking.

"Gem." She says and I nod.

"Are you a wolf Gem?" I ask and she nods.

"Do you have a mate?" I ask and she shakes her head looking down.

"No. But I have a brother looking for me. I know he is looking for me. I can feel It and sometimes he'll sneak a vision of it in my head before he injects me with wolfsbane." She says with emphasized hatred on the word 'he'. Who exactly is the 'he' that is injecting her with anything?

"How long have you been here Gem?" I ask and she looks at me.

"6 months." She says

"Who exactly is 'he'?" I ask and the door swings open. Tony's walks in with two plates of food and shoves each one through the little spot under the cell door of mine and Gem's cells. I look at it and I looks like two slices of a loaf of bread just made and pulled out of the oven with butter slapped into it.

"Well. Are you gonna eat?" He asks and I crouch down to pick up the plate and sit on my cot.

"So Gem...." I say while taking a bite.

"What pack are you from?" I ask and she looks up from her plate.

"The blue witch pack." She says and I nod. I faintly remember Ross telling me about the packs.

"Isn't your pack acquaintances with the witch cove near your parklands?" I ask and she nods slowly.

"My best friends mom is the head witch. She is very nice and pretty." She says.

"She's also the Luna." She says and I nod.

"Where are you from?" She asks.

"Alpha Ethan Finannzo's, neighboring vampire coven." I say and she nods and gives a faint smile.

"his name is nice." she says and I nod

"well he is nice." I say and she nods.

"Would you like to come with me when you get out? we will get you back to your brother." I say and she smiles gratefully at me.

"Yes please." She says and I nod while eating my last bite of food. after we finished we talked and talked. I found out her favorite song was 'Beside You' by 5 Seconds Of Summer, her favorite color is blue, she will eat anything food related and edible. I really enjoyed talking to her, she told what she wishes her mate would be like, tall, handsome, kind, loving, badass and yet at the same time a huge sweetheart. We also talked about what life has been like for her here. After that we both slowly fell asleep, Tony was nice enough to move us into the same cell when we asked. We fell asleep next to each other as new best friends.

Regardless (Raura Vampire)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang