Chapter 33 Todays The Day

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^^^^Laura's dress/ bridesmaids dresses (red)/ made of honors dress (black).^^^^

Today's the day.

Friday January 9th, 2015.

That one special mark of my life where I  finally become Ross's wife and we get married. I can't wait. So far what I've seen of the church is beautiful. I still haven't seen the dress and I can't wait.

"Laura get out of the shower. We have to get you ready. We only have 4 hours." Rydel yells in a panicked voice. I chuckle slightly under my breath, turn off the water getting out, and wrapping myself in a towel. As soon as I walk out undergarments are thrown at me and I glare at them then the person who threw them at me. Of course it was Rydel.

"I am not wearing this. Never in a billion gazillion years." I say and she scowled.

"Fine I'll give it to you then." She says and I groan.

"I won't wear it then either." I say and walk to my suitcase and pull out a matching pair of white bra and panties. I walk back into the bathroom and put it on quickly and walk back out.

"Put this on." Stormie says handing me the robe and I do as told. I sit in the chair and Paige does my makeup (friend from the beginning of the book). after my makeup was done I stood up and they walked out while I replaced my bra with a silky tank top that came with the dress. The front has a white smooth material, with a built in bra, and from the seams back was a nearly translucent material that was barely noticeable unless you tried to see it and we're close enough. They helped me put the dress on while I had a blind fold on. After I had it on they led me to a spot and someone untied the blindfold and slowly pulled it away from my eyes. The dress was, like any other normal wedding dresses, white. The back has a web-like material and you could see my back down to a few, about 5, inches from my underwear. The connected skirt part had an extra layer with another web-like material that had designs sewn on. The dress itself was light and airy making it not to tight to where it looked like a dress a slut would wear on her wedding to make her breasts fall out, but it wasn't to loose to where it was falling off. It had the perfect tightness, designs, everything. It was just perfect.

"Oh honey what's wrong?" Stormie exclaimed wiping something off my face and pulling me in for a hug. I hadn't noticed I was crying till now. It's all so overwhelming and just perfect.

"Nothing's wrong. It's all to perfect. How did I deserve such wonderful people like you. I haven't done anything special to deserve you all. All I did was get good grades in school, follow all the rules my dad ever set if he ever made any for me, listen to my elders. I did what every other good child does. But yet I got the best family I could ever imagine. I got my dream family-in-law. I have a kind, loving, and extremely helpful and loving fiance waiting at the end of that aisle, and I have all my friends and loved one here with me, including my dad, thanks to Jace. I love you all so much and I can't thank you enough." I say with tears in my eyes but I'm trying extremely hard not to let them out and ruin my makeup. I didn't notice now many people were here until I looked at them all. Gem, Rydel, Stormie, Paige, Katie(Lynch's 14 year old cousin), Haley (friend from college,werewolf), and like 6 girls from the pack.

"Oh Laura. You doing everything that has been asked of you gave you this. You had good karma earning you good things. You deserve everything you have here. We all love you so much." Sormie says hugging me again. I open my arms behind her and wave everyone over into a group hug.

"Alright. We have an hour left. Let's fix your makeup and make sure everything is perfect." Stormie says pulling away from the group hug and I giggle still with teary eyes. After everything was fixed and perfected there was a knock on the door that was soon followed by Mark telling us we had 15 minutes. I looked over the list of things for during the wedding and noticed there wasn't a name next to ring barer.

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