Chapter 25

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I woke up pressed against Ross's side. His scent wrapped around me along with the blanket and I smiled snuggling closer to him.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!" A loud squeal came from the other side of our door along with Rydel barging in the room and stood right next to our bed. Ross shot up from his slumber and attacked Rydel getting ready to punch her.

"RYDEL!!!" He yelled groaning and getting off her then climbing back into bed next to me and pulling me close.

"I LOVE YOUR BABY GIRLS ROOM." She squeaks and I nod.

"I do too" I say snuggling closer to Ross's warm body, cause right now. It is way to cold to wear a tank top and short shorts to bed. Like seriously. It's December. Oh that reminds me.

"Oh Rydel." I say and she looks at me.

"Two things. First, we are going Christmas shopping today, and second, you get to pick out the brides maids dresses. But I get to pick out your maid of honors dress. Pick out their dresses after I show you your maid of honor dress. K? Good." I say and she grows the biggest smile ever. Then passes out. I crawl over Ross to look at her over the edge of the bed.

"Ratliff!!!" I tell and he comes running in.

"Take your girlfriend and leave" I say waving him off and he laughs then picks Rydel up and leaves. Ross's hands went to my stomach and back since I was sitting sideways on his lower stomach. Key word: STOMACH. I looked down at him and smiled while he pushed me into his legs and sat up. He kissed the side of my head before pushing me off the bed to stand up.

"Do you want to go Christmas shopping together?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Sure. My original date passed out on me." I say and he chuckles.

"Be ready in an hour." He says and grabs clothes before running to the shower. After he takes a 5 minute shower he walks out fully clothed and I walk into the bathroom. After my shower I apply my hair products and dried my hair then curled it and did light makeup. After that I walked out and went to the closet. I got dressed in white ripped skinny jeans, a light brown sweater, dark brown uggs, a snowy white beanie, and a light tan scarf. After I finished dressing I walked out into the bedroom to find Ross sitting on our bed. He looked up and quickly looked back down to his phone before doing a double take and looking back up at me.

"Wow." He says locking his phone and standing up.

"You look beautiful." He says and I smile.

"Thanks." I say and peck his lips.

"Alright let's go." He says and grabs my hand. We walk out of the room and downstairs to the living room.

"We are leaving. We're going Christmas shopping." He says and Stormie nods.

"Ok. Be safe. Take Jace, Damin, and Sagar with you." She says and Ross reluctantly nods.

"Oh. I'm coming." Rydel yells from the top of the stairs. I chuckle and look at her outfit. It is exactly like mine.

"We're twins." We yell at the same time and she runs down the stairs.

"Ok fine you can come, but only if you promise not to steal Laura from me. This was suppose to be our time together but we had to bring people." Ross says and I slap his arm.

"Be nice. But that is true. It was suppose to be our time. So don't pull me off in a different direction." I say and she nods.

"Ok let's go. DAMIN, SAGAR, JACE. LETS GO." Ross yells and Jace appears behind me with Kenzie in his arms. She is wearing grey skinny jeans, black uggs, and a light tan sweater with a snowy beanie, that matches mine, and a small scarf that matches mine also. I smile and take Kenzie from him.

"Hey cutie. You coming with us?" Ask and she nods.

"Ok. Let's go." I say once Damin and Sagar finally join us at the door.

"Yay" Kenzie yells and I laugh while carrying her to the car. We take Ross's car with me Ross Rydel Kenzie and Jace while Damin and Sagar take Damon's 'baby'. Hey his words not mine.

After a good ten minutes we reached town and after another five we reached the mall. Ross parked in a spot close to the entrance and Damin parked next to us. We all got out and Jace got Kenzie out. I just realized that Kenzie looks very similar to him. I grabbed Kenzie from Jace's arms and handed her to Ross. I grabbed Jace and turned to Ross and the group.

"We'll be back in a minute. Meet us at Starbucks." I say and walk off with Jace. Leaning up against Ross's car I turn to Jace.

"Your her real dad." I say and he nods.

"Yup." He says.

"How old are you?" I ask and he looks at me.

"40. But I've been 40 for a while." He says and I nod.

"Why'd you let her go?" I ask and he looks at me with sorrow.

"Why'd you abuse her? Why'd you allow her to live like she did?" I asked and he frowned.

"I didn't abuse her. I had to give her up." He snaps and I look at him.

"Her mother was a shifter, I'm an angel. Her mom died in child birth and I couldn't keep her. I had to give her up. God said it would be best to and I trusted him. She just ended up in the wrong hands. Her adopted father abused her and her adopted mother was a drunk. After a year and a half I reported them and child services took her back. I adopted her again and put her in the woods. But I always made sure she was ok. If there was danger near I would fight it before it got to her. If she was hungry I would place food near her. I helped her survive and I watched over her. I did all that God would allow me to do and now I am able to be the father to her without being her legal guardian. Please don't take that away from me. Laura I love her and I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see her. She is my life. Please protect her and I'll always protect you and your family." He say then pleads the end to me. I smiled and wiped his tear and then pulled him in for a hug.

"I will Jace. I will take her in under my wing." I say and he smiles.

"Thank you Laura." He says and we pull apart to find Ross and Kenzie standing there.

"We heard the whole thing." Ross says and Kenzie's eyes are glued to Jace.

"Your my dad?" She asks Jace and he stiffly nods afraid of her reaction.

"Can I call you dad?" She asks and he cracks a small smile and looks at me. I nod at him and he looks back at Kenzie and nods.

"Yes. You can call me dad. You are to call Laura what ever she want you to call her." He says and Kenzie looks at me.

"Laura or aunt Laura works fine." I say and she nods.

"Ok let's go shopping." Ross says and hands Kenzie to Jace. They look adorable together.
Sorry I just realized that I didn't put Kenzie in the characters chapter.
Kenzie Ounla- shifted/angel
Kenzie is a shifter/angel and isn't played by anyone specific. She can shift into any animal she fancies and she is Jace Ounla's biological daughter. She is 3 years old, and her birthday is on January 17th. She doesn't have mate and probably won't.depends on how long I write this book.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed that chapter. I'll update soon but maybe not tomorrow. I had baby sitting today and I have to baby sit tomorrow aswell so we'll see how much energy the kiddos steal from me. We are planning on going to the pool tomorrow so yeah. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. Lol. Till next time. Enjoy the rest of summer you have left of you haven't started school yet. Sorry to those who have.

~ Camry ~

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