Chapter 37 honeymoon day 2

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^^^^^Bandits crate^^^^^

Sunday January 11th, 2016

The next morning I woke up feeling completed. Me and Laura are finally fully bound together as one in mind, body, and law. It makes me so happy that she is forever mine. 'Cause it's truly an honor to love this amazing girl that's currently asleep in my arms. I slowly unwrap my arms from her and get up throwing on a pair of boxers. and walking to the bathroom to get Bandit out. I pulled the blanket off his crate and he flinched at the incoming light. He looked up at me yawning and I opened the crate picking him up, to cradle in my arms. I carried him like a baby to the kitchen where we had an other pair of bowls on the floor next to the fridge for his food and water. I set him on the floor and put up the gate so he cant get out and i make me and Laura breakfast. After breakfast is set up I let him out and put the gate back up so he doesn't somehow get to the food. he follows me to the bedroom but i shut the door before he could get in. Gently shaking Laura awake she slowly opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Good morning love" I coo kissing the back of her head 'cause she is laying on her stomach.

"Good morning" She mumbles turning her face to face the other way.

"Come on I made breakfast. Get dressed." I say while pulling on a pair of sweats over my boxers.

"What's for breakfast?" She asks with a groggy voice while sitting up making the blankets fall off her.

"Eggs, bacon, and pancakes" I reply throwing her a one of my shirts and a pair of panties. She quickly puts them on and we walk out nearly tripping over Bandit in the process. He follows us quietly to the kitchen and sits under the table while we eat occasionally going over to his food bowl to eat.

"What do you wanna do today?" I ask and she stares at the wall behind me thinking. I snap my fingers in front of her face getting her attention.

"What?" She asks clueless of what I just asked her.

"What do you wanna do today?" I ask and she smiles

"Let's go hiking" She exclaims eating another bite of her eggs and pancakes together. Weird. She never mixes her food together unless that's what the recipe calls for. Eh whatever. People change.

After finishing breakfast, and Laura sneaking Bandit a few bites of bacon and pancakes, we get dressed for the day. I get dressed in a pair of long pants, a short sleeved shirt, and a pair of hiking boots. I style my hair to its normal shape and brush my teeth. After getting dressed I pack us a lunch for the day and some snacks for the way. I pack up Bandits food bowl and grab a few extra water bottles for him. Laura suggested taking him with us to help him get use to us and other people. After a bit Laura walks out of the bedroom in a pair of black yoga pants, a green T-shirt, some green hiking shoes, and her hair curled in a ponytail. I walk up to her and giver a quick kiss before walking to Bandit and snapping on his shock collar. No I'm not gonna use the shocker part of it. The store owner said he was trained and listens so if he doesn't listen I can press a button to make a sound giving him a warning. and if he doesn't listen then I have the shock on the lowest level which is .5 so it doesn't hurt him. Just snaps him out of it and makes him listen since I'm not using a leash.

"Ready?" I ask and she nods walking to the door.

"lets go Bandit." I say walking to the door while putting the backpack on my back. We walk out of the suite and down the hall with Bandit walking right in front of us. Once in the elevator we press the lobby button and it descends scaring the hell out of Bandit making him whimper while cowering at my leg. Once on the ground floor we walk out and out of the building. Bandit once again cowers at my side letting me know, he isn't going far if he goes anywhere away from us.

"Okay do you wanna walk to the woods, or take a cab?" I ask Laura

"Take a cab, it will help us and we will get there faster." she exclaims nearly bouncing at the end.

"Excited aren't we?" i say and she chuckles

"Defiantly" She says picking up Bandit while I call us a taxi.

5 minutes later the taxi stops in front of us and we get in. We Talk about other things we could do here and then 15 minutes later the cab stops again and I pay before getting out with Laura. As the cab drives away we walk into the woods on the trail and we enjoy each others company. Bandit behaved very well, not going to far, and when we called him he came. Soon we reached an open field and Bandit had a blast running through it messing up the dandelions and blowing them all over the place. I smiled as one landed on Laura's nose and blew it off before kissing her nose. we sat down and ate while Bandit ate his food and drank his water. After lunch we lay on the blanket looking up at the clear sky. I climb on Laura giving her a sweet kiss and the pulling away to smile at her beautiful eyes. Me and Laura played with Bandit in the field chasing him around and then having him chase us and we had a blast. When I reached a certain side of the field I heard running water and I packed everything up taking Laura and bandit with me to the water source. There was a small lake with a little waterfall. I stripped to my boxers and jumped in, once I surfaced I motioned Laura to come in while grabbing Bandit and pulling him in. He started moving his feet in a swimming motion before I even put him in the water. I chuckled and put him in keeping my hand under his belly to catch him if he went under. After a bit he got the hang of it and started swimming off. I was soon tackled by Laura jumping on my back sending me under water. I quickly surface and smiled at her I quickly kissed her and she climbed on my back and I swam around with her. I picked up Bandit and set him next to our stuff on a towel. He laid down and closed his eyes exhausted. We continued to swim for a bit longer before getting out and getting dressed. We walked back to the road and arrived just as it was getting dark. I had carried Bandit the whole way 'cause he was tired and was practically sleet walking. He was so worn out.

Me and Laura decided that we were gonna walk back to the hotel. We got back and had dinner. Then we got dressed for bed and we moved Bandits crate to our room and left the door open for him to get in it later. We also left the bedroom door cracked a bit for him to get in and out of the room. Me and Laura got into bed and watched a movie. We watch 'The Internship' and it was funny. Soon the movie was over and it was almost midnight.

"It's almost midnight babe. Let's get some sleep." I suggested and she nodded kissing me and facing away from me with her back to me. I chuckled and kissed the back of her head wrapping my arms around her and soon hearing her soft snores. The door opened a little and Bandit walked in and got into his bed. I chuckled to myself and soon followed them into a comfortable night of sleep.

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