Chapter 26 An annoying mall trip.

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I'm gonna start titling my chapters if I want to.
Right now me and Rydel are in Victoria secrets. Don't ask. I was involuntarily dragged here. Ross told me and Rydel to go to a store together while he got my present so she dragged me here. Literally. I think I popped my wrist a few times from trying to get away from her. She's got a death grip. Anyways. She was making me buy 'cute' panties and bras. I must say they are pretty cute but I don't understand why people buy them. It's not like anyone is gonna see your bra and underwear. Rydel just threw a pair of bra and panties, that match, over the dressing room door to try on. They are yellow with red, white, and pink stars on them.

"Rydel. I already have this pair." I say through the door and she giggles.

"Then I've gone through the whole store." She says and I quietly yelp.

"Eww. Other people have tried on some of these Rydel." I quietly yell at her.

"Yeah yeah. Pick out your 9 favorite pairs and let's go." She says and I'm guessing leaves the door.

While picking out my last three pairs something lands on my head. I pull it off and throw my hands over my mouth to stop myself from screaming and cussing at Rydel.

"Rydel. When I get out of here in gonna kill you." I quietly promise and she snickers.

"As if." She says and I smirk.

"I do have a small thing of bronze on me Ross made me have for protection incase Tony showed up." I say and she gasps.

"You wouldn't." She says and I giggle.

"I would and I promise once I'm out I will. And you can't run from me because if you do I will make Jace punish you." I say and she groans.

"Just try it on." She says and now it's my turn to groan.

"Fine. But I'm not coming out." I say and she mumbles something under her breath. I think she said 'it's for Ross. Not me.'  I groan and reluctantly out it on. It's a yellow, practically see through, piece of lingerie. When I get my hands on her I'm gonna kill her. 

"Rydel. I swear I'm gonna kill you." I say and she giggles.

"I am not buying this." I say and she giggles.

"Ok. I'll buy it for you." She says and I groan. I pick out the pairs of underwear up and put the rest in the basket under the seat (I've never been in Victoria secrets so I have no idea what it looks like just go with it.) to be returned to its rightful spot, including the lingerie. After pulling my original clothes back on and fixing my hair I pulled the door open and walk out with my basket of panties and bras. Rydel looked at my basket and frowned then went off into the store. I rolled my eyes and paid the cashier for my stuff. I stuffed my small Victoria secrets bag into my other bag and sat outside waiting for Rydel. A few minutes later she walked out and we went to Starbucks for another cup of hot chocolate. We found the boys and Kenzie sitting at a table chatting and after grabbing our drinks we walked to the table. Ross pulled me into his lap once we got there and continued talking to the guys. Rydel casually sat next to us and started talking to Kenzie and Jace. I blocked them all out and pulled my phone out, putting in my phone and turning on my music. After a few songs, one of my favorites and I lean my back against Ross's chest and hum the opening music then sang.

Back in '41, you met a brown-eyed boy
Who called you pretty
He'd walk every day, couple miles out of his way
To hold your hand and keep you company
Your mama said, don't call it love at 14
But sittin' on that front porch swing

He gave you his picture in a locket
That you wore around your neck
Left it right beside your heart
So you would not forget
The way it felt when he held your hand
And you swore that you would never take it off
And the butterflies you felt said it all
You were falling for the boy inside your locket

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