Chapter 28 Christmas

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^^^ Jace, wings, and outfit he got for Christmas ^^^
Hey I know I said it'll be a character chapter. But I lied. I still have a lot of work to do on it and I have to go back through the previous chapters to look for people I didn't put in the other characters chapter. Any ways. On with the story.


I was woken by 3 wolves, Kenzie, Damin, Sagar, and Jace all jumping on mine and Laura's bed waking us up. I groaned and accidentally punched Luke in the face when he jumped on me. So he has a little mark in his mouth from where his tooth cut him.

"Damn Ross. You got a punch there." He said shifting back and I pulled Kenzie's face into my chest and covered Laura's eyes.

"Bro your naked. Go get pants from my closet." I yell/ whisper still half asleep and he rolls his eyes but follows my orders. I let go of Kenzie and remove my hand from Laura's face.

"Now if you'll please.....GET OFF MY BED BEFORE YOU BREAK IT." I yell at the people still on it and they quickly scramble off it. Except me, Laura, and Kenzie.

"Thank you." I say and zone out thinking about random things. For example like my bed. How did it not break. There were three 300 pound wolves on it, 4 full grown men around 215 pounds give or take, eat , Laura around 150 pounds, and Kenzie around like 50 pound since she's only 3or4. That's like around 1,960 pounds. Like seriously.

"Merry Christmas." Kenzie yells from my lap and I smile down at her.

"Merry Christmas." I say and she smiles at me.

"Alright let's go open presents." Laura says while standing up with only the tank top and booty shorts she wore last night. Once Luke walked out of the closet Laura went in then reemergence minutes later in skinny jeans, a sweater, and uggs. Aww she's adorable. I set Kenzie on the bed and go to change into similar things. Except instead of uggs. I have converse on. We all walked down stairs while the boys walked to he others rooms to get dressed. After they came down we all sat in a circle in front of the tree and opened presents. Kenzie got a bunch of toys from everyone and from Rydel she practically got a new wardrobe. It looks like Rydel bought everything from baby's 'R' us. Seriously.

The wolves all got clothes from us cause they really need it considering every time the shift they tear their clothes. We also gave them all fake silver chain necklaces with wooden wolves on them.  Laura and I bought Jace clothes. (The ones he normally wears in supernatural. I'll post a pic up top.) I got Laura a necklace and her a few new pairs of extremely comfortable shoes, dark wash ripped jeans, and a shirt that says 'HIS' with a picture of me under it, that I had custom made. Laura got me a pair of dark wash ripped jeans, a new pair of converse and a shirt that says 'HERS' with a picture of her on it. We all laughed and continued opening presents. Laura got a bunch of jewelry and nice clothes. I got a bunch of guitar picks sighed by famous people, and Laura also gave me a guitar sighed by Paul McCartney. I smiled and looked at her. I carefully set it down in its case and stood up and picked her up from under her arms scarring and confusing her at the same time. I set her on my hip and bopped her nose.

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