Chapter 18

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I woke in just my swim trunks, remembering. The memories of me putting a bullet in Chris's skull and Tony killing Laura's dad came flooding back. Also me telling an old friend about what happened and him letting me go. Oh by the way he's a wizard. His other two friends were also wizards so they knew I wasn't lying. After my mini movie in my head of the horrible scene of Laura's dad, I looked over to laura to find her curled up against my side with tear stains down her cheeks and her eye lids red and puffy. Her lips were pulled into a frown instead of the smile she normally slept with and she looked pained. He arms slightly twitched while she slept and her legs would occasionally moved like she was running from something, but only the slightest, letting me know she was having a nightmare. A tear fell from her eyes and I lent down to kiss her sad lips. After a bit I felt her kiss back and I pulled away and angled our heads so our foreheads were pressed together and the tips of our noses touched.

"I'm sorry." I apologized for like the 30th time since last night and she slapped me. Well I deserved it.

"Stop that. I've told you once and I'll tell you again. Stop apologizing. It's not your fault, your only human...with retractable teeth...and eyes that change color. You couldn't have stopped it Tony would have killed you, then my dad, then probably would have kidnapped me and done bad things to me. Ross you can't keep blaming yourself for it. I'm not holding this against you. I love you just the same as I did yesterday morning when I woke up and the same I did two days ago." She says and I nod gently laying on top of her with my face in her neck kissing her mark.

"Ok." I whisper and she kisses my neck just bellow my ear. I pull away from her and smile.

"We are celebrating your birthday tomorrow." I say and she nods with a small smile.

"Ok." She says and I smile at her.

"I have something I have to tell you but I'll tell you tomorrow at your party." I say and she groans.

"Ross why can't you tell me now?" She asks and I smile.

"Cause I don't wanna." I say and she pouts sticking out her bottom lip and folding her arms over her chest while I hover over her in my push-up position.

"Don't give me that face. Nothing's gonna change." I say and she narrows her eyes before pushing me off her and sitting up. The door slowly opened and Kenzie came bounding in and jumped on our bed. Laura pet her head and smiled at her.

"Why are you a kitty?" She asked and Kenzie purred into her palm. Seconds later. Five wolves stood in the door way growling and glaring at Kenzie, causing me and laura to laugh. They all squeezed in and two at the back got stuck trying to get in at the same time making the wolves peep a wolfy laugh. Laura wrapped the blanket around Kenzie and she shifted back to her human for and smiled up at us. The wolves grunted at her and Luke went into the closet.

"I hope you don't mind..." He started then walked out.

"...but I'm stealing your shorts." He finished and I waved him off.

"Whatever. Just make sure you wash them before giving them back." I say and laura giggles.

"Why?" Kenzie asks and I look at her, probably with a shocked and scared reaction.

" they would be dirty." I say and she blinks while looking at me contently

"How?" She asks and I look to laura for help.

"Come on. Stop asking him questions. Let's go get you in the bath and into some clothes." Laura says and Kenzie shifts back into a cat. As laura walks past the wolves Kenzie hisses and swats at the wolves. They all growl at her and she bares her teeth. After they left I kicked the wolves out of my room and took a much need shower myself. After getting out I wrapped a red and blue towel around my waist and dried my hair with a white fluffy towel. I walked out and into the closet and grabbed a pair of black boxers out of the drawer. I put on a pair of white skinny jeans and a tight black tee shirt. I put on a pair of black socks and then put on my pair of grey-silverish converse. While getting dressed I hummed the tune to 'I Won't Give Up On Us' by Jason Mraz. As I put on my other shoe laura walked in humming the the same part I was at and I looked up at her and smiled. She realized too and started to laugh. I laughed along with her then suddenly stopped and looked at her with an intense stare but it wasn't a creepy stare. It was a lustful stare. He laugh is one of the many features I've come to love in her. I stepped forward as she realized I was looking at her and her laughter slowly faded. She looked up at me, I was now right in front of her, and I grabbed her waist. I leaned down and kissed her sweet lips that, that heart warming laugh came from and made my heart flutter. She kissed back and our lips moved perfectly together. She pulled away and leaned our foreheads together. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her, happy that she isn't sad anymore. I mean I get it, her dad was just murdered and took his last breath in front of her and she was almost kidnapped again by the same man that almost killed her. But it gives me hope that she is alright when she smiles and is happy. It make me sad to see her sad, and it's worse because I've already marked her so it made our bond stronger so practically whatever she feels I feel.

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