Chapter 51

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9 weeks ultrasound *from the day before.*

March 20, 2016

One Month Later.

Ross and Laura laid in bed. Her wrapped tightly in Ross' warm, arms, and his large protective hands rest on her more prominent bump. Still small but bigger than a normal pregnancy due to them being twins. Approximately six months left of the pregnancy.

They laid in each other's embrace thinking of what their kids would look like.

Would the girl look more like Laura or Ross? Who would the boy resemble?

Their minds wandered aimlessly. Their eyes would steal quick glances at the other.

They were without a doubt madly in love with each other. Their heart longed to be held by the other and when it was, it would throb almost painfully, and leap with joy.

Ross turned more to face Laura and Laura's head turned to face him. His head rests on his propped arm and he looked down at her.

He shifted to where his forearm laid flat on the bed and he was propped up by his arm leaning over Laura slightly. His other hand, on her bump still, lifted and he gently fisted it and held his hand in a sideways thumbs up. Ever so gently he placed his loosely fisted hand on her right cheek and rubbed the cheek bone just under her eye.

Her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into his touch. His heart fluttered slightly and he smiled at her. He leaned down and lightly pressed a kiss to her lips. He pulled away slightly his lips sticking in places. He looked in her eyes and smiled at her. His eyes showing nothing but love and pure adoration. Her eyes were a mirror image of his and they showed the same affection.

It wasn't a crazy lustful look. It's soft. Gently. Loving. More love than lust. He never completely lusted for her. He always held more love in his eyes than lust. Rarely ever held lust in his eyes for that matter.

It showed how much he actually love her and not the her in bed. She admired that about him. Always loving him more than ever that he never pries at her, or heated things quickly.

They are the perfect couple. About to be a completed perfect family. Yes they had James and Kenzie. But it wasn't the same. They will love and cherish them as if they are their own flesh and blood. They will always treat them the same as their biological kids but it's just not the same as having their own flesh and blood.

Laura longed to hold them in her arms. Only two months in and she was already ready to have them out and in her arms. The pregnancy is great but she wanted to hold them now. Kiss their head and hug them closely to her chest. Cuddled up next to Ross who held the other. They'd have to talk to James later about the new norms need a lot of attention. He'd understand and he'll be able to explain it to Kenzie and keep her occupied if they couldn't be with her.

Ross pulled his head back and looked down at her. His head dipped and he gently kissed her shoulder. His lips were soft against her shoulder and she kissed his soft fluffy hair. He chuckled against her skin and it vibrated to her heart making it speed up.

"I love you." He whispered ever so gently against her shoulder and she rest her cheek against his hair while he peppered kisses in the same spot on her shoulder.

"I love you too." She whispered back. Closing her eyes enjoying the moment.

"Incoming!!!!" Two voices yelled from the other side of their door and they quickly opened the door. They came bolting in and raced to the bed. Ross quickly moved over Laura, shielding her and the twins from the weight of the two kids.

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