New book part

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Not a chapter. Please do not steal this from me. I spent quite a bit of time on this to write it. There is more to it. This is just little parts of it. I will post it if people like it. All rights reserved.

The headlight of Alan's 2008 Silver Ford Escape bounced off of the slick winter road as he drove through the town to his new house. Alan knew he had to be careful or else he could lose control of the car and he could hurt someone, himself included. He looked in his rearview mirror to make sure that the moving truck was still behind him and didn't get lost back on the highway, he could see the boxes in the back seat filled with his most precious items. After making sure the truck is still there his eyes shifted to the road again and his stomach grumbled. He is almost at the new house but he decided to stop and get something to eat. He pulled into the parking lot and the Budget truck pulled up to the side of the road. As Alan stepped out he looked to the side and noticed his brother and Father stepping out of the big white moving truck.

"Hi I'm Ella Houstnor. What can I get you today?" Ella asked from behind the counter.
He didn't notice she was asking him what he wanted, for he was looking at the counter thinking about her prettyface without looking at her. When his brother elbowed him his head snapped up and his eyes connected with hers. He melted in them and looked away quickly to the menu hanging from the ceiling behind her. He ordered 2 slices of pepperoni pizza and a cookie on the side. He didn't want to work her to hard and he wasn't that hungry. The door chimed and he turned to the door to see a little boy about the age of 8 or 9. The little boy smiled at the sight of Ella and he ran behind the counter and hugged her waist.
"Hello Ian. How was school." She asked quickly hugging him and getting right back to getting Joe, Alan and their father their food.
"Great mama. But Mrs. Glodle Is making us write a paper about our fathers." The little boy said and Alan frowned slightly at the fact he called her mama. Was she married? Did they divorce?
"Oh sweety. Go wait in the backroom while I finish their order." She said bending down to his height.
"Ok." He said and ran to the back, his backpack bouncing on his back.
"Sorry that's Ian. He's my 9 year old son." She said and continued readying their meal.
"It's fine. Is he ok? He seemed quite sad." Alan asked and Ella looked shocked but nodded none the less.
"He never met his father. When Ian was 3 his father was departed overseas and died in an attack."

"Alan Lythiki" He said and she smiled
"Well Alan. Welcome to town. Consider this a welcoming"

"Sorry mama." He said and hugged her waist. She couldn't stay mad at him.
He was the only family she had left. Her mother and father lived in england and her brother lived in new york while she lived in Kentucky with her son. She owned the cafe and was the only worker because it's such a small town. The rent for the building wasn't much. Merely $400 a month and she coped with it easily. She lived in a small two story house near the center of town but she thought of it as cozy instead of small. It had two bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, and on the top floor with the bedrooms with the full bathroom was a master bedroom that she left open and had some things for Ian and his friends to do when the came over or stayed the night. The rent for the house wasn't much either and she easily paid it each month with money left over for food and ingredients for the cafe.

"Mama, Mr. Alan likes to play baseball." Her small and usually shy son chirped making Ella giggle.
"That's very nice Ian. What else did you talk about?" She asked smiling, quickly taking a quick glance at Alan before fully, focusing on what Ian was saying.
"He has a dog too mama. A golden retriever. He says her name is Jade and that she is still just a puppy so he left her with his mama and that he would get her when he finished moving into his new house." He said and she nodded encouragingly at her boy.
"Where are you moving in?" She asked turning her attention to Alan and he looked at her.
"1183 Hollylane Blvd." He answered and she smiled
"We live across the street from that house. It's not bit but it's not small either. It's cozy." She said and he nodded.
"So I've heard." He says and she nods.

"Hello." He said while opening the door not getting a glimpse of the person just yet.
When he did he stiffened slightly and his breath hitched. He quickly recomposed himself and smiled at the two.
"Ella, Ian what a pleasant surprise." He said cheerfully ignoring his heart swelling at the sight of Ella in sweats home safely.
"Hi Alan. We came to see if you needed help. We brought dinner. Ian insisted on making you guys something." Ella smiled back at him.
"Oh we are almost done. Just finishing up some boxes. You are more than welcome to come in. Would you like to stay for dinner?" He ask and she smiles.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked
"Brown. It's warm and a beautiful color when you have the right shade and you look at it the right way." She said and he nodded
"You?" She asked and he looked up.
"I'd have to go with white. It's so pure and clean." He said and she laughed.
"Ok. What's your favorite book?"

They said grace and dig in talking. Ian, who sat across from Alan, tried talking but kept getting interrupted.
"Go ahead Ian. I'm listening." Alan assured the boy and Ian smiled.
"Today in school we learned about multiplying. It's really easy." Ian said and Alan smiled at the adorable kid in front of him.
"That's great Ian. Are you having fun at school?"

Halfway through the movie Alan heard small snores coming from his chest and he looked down seeing Ian fast asleep. He looked at his wristwatch and saw it was nearly eleven. The movie was almost over anyway so he decided to leave it.

When the movie ended Ella looked over at Ian and found him sleeping.
"You should be heading home. It's getting late and you shouldn't be out late by yourself with a child. Even if the town is small. A passer could stop and harm you." Alan said standing holding Ian in his arms as he walked Ella to the door. When he reached it he gently passed Ian to Ella and opened the door for her stepping out and closing it behind them. He walked her across the street to her house and helped her open the door.

"Goodnight Ella." Alan said softly not to wake the sleeping boy.
"Goodnight Alan. And again thank you for tonight. Ian is normally shy but he instantly connected with you and you allowed him that. Thank you." She said and he smiled.
"He's a good kid. Who wouldn't?"


The 'l's' rolled together on his tongue and the 'a' flew off jumping after the rolling 'l's'. Her eyes were his new favorite color. A golden green. Dark green lined the iris, then a beautiful shade of yellow followed by a light shade of yellow-orange around the pupil. Her nose is a cute little button nose and her lips were perfectly shaped.
He hadn't noticed he was on his front porch till the door swung open and Joe stood there. His brother had an evil glint in his eyes and a knowing smirk on his face. His eyes glistened with amusement.
"You like her." Joe teased and Alan shamelessly nodded.

Ella on the other hand, while Alan was 'reading' she was sat on the back porch looking up at the stars. She saw one start shining the brightest and twinkling. She loved the sky and stars and moon. The darkness of it. The light the moon gave. The twinkles the stars made. All from one reason.

Jason, her husband and Ian's father. He had died in the army while overseas in Vietnam. He was captured, questioned, and left to starve to death. Not the best way to die but could have been worse. They found his body on the edge of the base camp. He was thin and looked translucent. She was devastated and depressed for weeks and her brother had visited to help her. He took care of Ian and waited. Knowing she would clean herself up since her love for Ian was so big. She did. It took almost three weeks but she did. Now she gets the frequent $500 dollars in the mail for her husband's sacrifice. She hates to use it for herself. It's a reminder so she used it to slowly upgrade the bakery. The government stopped about two years ago and she had long finished the upgrades. She just put all the money into a bank account for Ian's later education like college.
A tear fell as she thought over what he had said every time he left.
"Every night look at the stars and moon. Every night look to the sky and always know. I'll be looking there too." He had always said. And she did. She always looked at the sky before she went to bed. She would sit on the back porch for at least twenty minutes. She studied the sky. The place of the stars and noticed every month they were different. She liked that they always changed. She would always be connected to him that way so she continued to look at the stars and moon and sky. Always waiting. By now. She knew she needed to end her wait. She had waited for six years, always knowing he wouldn't return but always wanted it to be a lie that he is gone. Out of this world. In a better place. Her eyes started to close so she stood up carefully and walked to her room. She changed into pajamas and washed her face. She closed her curtains but just before closing them she saw the light on Alan's room turn off across the street. She smiled and crawled into bed. She closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.

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