Chapter 11

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Amber = scared/worried
Emerald = Happy/Excited
Dark Purple = Hungry
Dark Brown = about to kill
Green = confused
Grey = calm
Dark blue = embarrassed
Blue = sad/depressed
Brown = normal
Red = mad/angry
any shade of pink = the amount of love I have for the person I'm looking at.
I woke up at 3am this morning and made sure I had everything packed for us. But mostly because I'm a vampire and we don't need much sleep. After checking everything it was 4:30am so I left a note on my pillow saying:


Sorry I couldn't be there if you wake up before I get back. I left early today and went hunting with the rest of my family. Just so you know. Ellington is also joining us for the trip. Ethan, Dylan, Joe, John, Phill, and Ellington are downstairs or still asleep. If you get hungry feel free to make something or have one of the boys make you something. *preferably Ethan or Ellington* love you sweetheart and I'll be back soon.

Love your vampire,
Ross Shor Lynch

I smiled down at my little note to her and gently set it on the pillow. I kissed her forehead and left. I walked into the living room and sat there waiting for everyone else. Soon everyone that was leaving was here and I left another note for Ethan on his door so he would see it before he left the room. We all left and went hunting about 80 miles away from the house.

Ethan's POV

I woke up at about 7:30am and got out of bed. I stumbled to the door and grabbed the door nob. Before opening the door I noticed the little piece of paper stuck to it with neat calligraphy scribbled on it. I take the note off of my door and read it while walking down the hall and stairs to the kitchen. The note read:


When you wake please make Laura some eggs and bacon with a slice of toast for her breakfast. Then take it up and place it on my side of the bed. Me and my family left to go hunting about 80 miles west of the house. Please enjoy what you can find for breakfast for you and the boys. And please remind them that if they touch laura I will know and I will hunt them down and kill them. Enjoy and don't touch my mate. :)

Ross Lynch

I read the note twice and chuckled at his possessiveness. I knew they weren't just dating I knew they had a connection stronger than dating. I'm surprised that he hasn't changed her or at least marked her. He probably hasn't even told her. Well that's his business not mine. I throw the note out and made Laura the breakfast Ross had said and took it up to her room. I walked in and set the food on Ross's side of he bed and left. I walked back down and made breakfast for the boys and me and set it all up at the table. I went to each persons room and woke them by banging pots and pans together and laughing when they jolted awake. We all went down stairs and ate. Soon Laura came down dressed in white booty shorts and a red tank top with red and white converses. She put her plate in the sink and turned towards us. I mind linked my pack members and ordered them not to look at her because she is Ross's mate. But not to mention anything to her because she doesn't know. They all glued their eyes to their plates and continued eating. I stood up and looked her over.

"Laura. I think you should go change." I say and she frowns at me.

Laura's POV.

I woke up this morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. I opened one eye slightly and look over to Ross's side of the bed. My eyes instantly noticed the food in Ross's place and a note on his pillow.


Sorry I couldn't be there if you wake up before I get back. I left early today and went hunting with the rest of my family. Just so you know. Ellington is also joining us for the trip. Ethan, Dylan, Joe, John, Phill, and Ellington are downstairs or still asleep. If you get hungry feel free to make something or have one of the boys make you something. *preferably Ethan or Ellington* love you sweetheart and I'll be back soon.

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