Chapter 49

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Small growls made me jolt awake and I lifted my head trying to locate the person making the noise. It happened again but came from next to me. I looked down and it sounded again. That's when I realized it is Laura's stomach. I chuckled softly and stood up. I picked her up and walked out of the room. Down the stairs my feet carried me till I reached the living room where everyone sat talking. They immediately silenced and looked at us.

"I'm gonna take her home and make breakfast." I quietly said and they nodded slowly. I walk out and silently walk to the house barely making any noise. I walked into the house after unlocking the door and set her on the couch. I started making eggs and set it all up. Laura walked in rubbing her eyes and instantly went to the cabinet grabbing a glass cup. I walked over to her and grabbed the cup from her hand, set it on he counter, and carried her to the table. She groaned and tried to climb over my shoulder back to the kitchen sink but I plopped her down on her seat at the table. She had an annoyed face on till she saw the food and orange juice on the table.

"Thank you Rossy." She said and I leaned down and kisses her forehead. I say on the opposite side of the table and we ate.

"What do you think they are?" I asked and she looked at me.

"I don't know. I don't care what they are. They're mine regardless. Just like you are mine regardless." She said and I have her a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she took another bite.

"No mater how much we fight or argue. You'll always be my husband and mate. I'll love you regardless." She said and I smiled lovingly at her. She perfect.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I asked the cheesiest question ever.

"Yes. Quite a few times actually." She said and I chuckled finishing my last bite of food just as she was.

I stood from the table and took my plate along with hers. We washed the dishes together and went to the living room and sat on the couch. We watched tv till the kids came home. Kenzie jumped on us and James gave us both hugs.

"Hey guys." I said holding Kenzie on my lap.

"Hey Laura, Ross." James said and Kenzie kissed mine and Laura's cheeks. James sat on the couch next to me and Kenzie crawled over to him. He held her close and laid on his side watching the movie with us. We felt like being childish so me and Laura are in the middle of watching How To Train Your Dragon 2. It's good so far.

We finished the movie and I noticed everyone wide awake.

"Swimming anyone?" I asked and the two small ones shot from the couch and James raced for the stairs with Kenzie in his arms.

"I can't tell if that was a yes or no." I exclaim wrapping my arm around Laura's shoulder. She giggles and kisses my cheek.

"I love you Laura." I said and kissed her.

"Ewwww" we heard a small feminine voice say behind us. We laughed and turned to face James and Kenzie. James threw mine and Laura's swimsuits at us and raced outside.

"DON'T GET IN TILL WE GET OUT THERE." Laura yelled and grabbed her swimsuit racing for the bathroom. I walked to the back door and motioned that they can get in now. I waited for Laura to return and she did minutes later. She went outside while I went to the bathroom to get changed. I put on my black swim trunks and grabbed four towels. I walked to the kitchen and made small snacks and got some bottles of juice. I took them out and set them in the cooler out back. It's pretty cool. Self cooling.

I felt small ands on the back of my leg and I looked down at the back of my leg. Kenzies' holding on for dear life and James is stalking towards her.

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