Chapter 37 Happiness Comes But Sadness Wins

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Italicized words will be defined at the bottom.

Sunday January 18, 2016

It's been a week since me and Laura arrived here in the Caribbean for our honeymoon. Yesterday Laura got sick when we woke up, but she told me she just ate something bad. She said that she woke up hungry and made eggs. She later checked the carton and said they had expired that day.

"Laura eggs that expire the day you ate them doesn't make you sick. I'm taking you to the doctors." I exclaim picking her up off the couch where she thinks she is safe from me taking her.

"Nooooo" She groans and grabs the back of the couch.

"Fine. But if you throw up again, I will take to to the ER even if I have to carry you there myself." I say and she nods quickly when i drop her back on the couch.

"So what do you wanna do." I ask and let out an 'oph' when Bandit jumps on my lap landing on my no no zone.

"Fuck" I curse under my breath placing him on Laura's lap to clutch my family jewels hoping to stop the pain.

"Are you okay?" Laura asks with a slight cough to cover up her laugh.

"No, you can blame the dog if I can't have any children though." I say through clenched teeth. Bandit, being a husky, has been growing quite fast. He is 3 months old today and when we got him he was nearly there. Him being three months old, he now weighs like 10-15 pounds. Yeah yeah sound light. But you try having you balls used as a bouncy house. It isn't very pretty or fun.

"Will do" She says and quickly sets Bandit on the couch to run for the bathroom. I sigh getting up and limping after her. I hold her hair back while she vomits all that i made her for breakfast and then leans back against the wall.

"I'm taking you to the ER" i say standing up and picking her up to. after letting her brush her teeth i pick her up again when she tries to run and I carry her out of the hotel room with Bandit in tow.

"No Bandit. In" i say and his tail drops and he slowly moves back inside with his head and tail down

"Good boy. Now behave we will be back later." I say and he walks to our room, to get into his bed I presume.

"Alright lets go." I say grabbing the keys from the hook by the door, Keys for the car Dallon got us so we can drive instead of waste our money on a cab.

"But Ross" She complains and pouts in my arms

"Do you wanna walk?" I ask and she nods her head quickly. Too quickly

"Too bad. I can see your plan through your eyes." I say and she pouts again. Soon we make it to the lobby and i ask the front lady to send the usual person up to our room to watch Bandit. She nods and I walk out carrying Laura to the buildings garage and set her in the passenger seat.

"Ready?" I ask and she shakes her head no.

"Great so am I" I say cheerfully and she grumbles something under her breath. She's been moody lately.

"Alright. Whats with you lately?" I ask parking the car in the parking lot of the ER.

"Nothing" She replies still glaring out the window at nothing particular.

"I beg to differ. You've been easily cranky for the past three days." I say gently.

"So. I've just been moody. Not gonna kill someone. Can we go home now I'm tired." She complains and I shake my head getting out and opening her door for her.

"Nope. Now come on. Get out." I say holding my hand out for her to take.

"Alright." She sighs not seeing a way out of this. She gets out and grabs my hand holding it while we walk in.

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