Chapter 15

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I woke to the shower running and empty arms. I slowly sat up and took notice of the locked door. The shower turned off and about 30 seconds later, a tan Ross emerged with nothing but a towel hanging lowly on his hips. I stared at him with my mouth gapped and a smirk sneakily formed on his pink, lively lips.

"Like what you see?" He asked in a warm, sexy voice, and I shivered.

"No, I mean yes, but that's not why I'm looking at you, well not the full reason. I just didn't expect you to look like...well...that." I said gesturing to all of him.

"Like what?" He asks confused.

"Well...a God of some sort." I say and he smirks while walking over to me.

"Only for you sweetheart." He whispers against my lips before gently pushing our lips together, giving me a passionate kiss. I quickly returned the act by quickly kissing back with just as much passion. Ross pushed me back onto the bed and hovered over my horizontal figure with his practically naked figure.

"Ross" I whisper pulling away getting his attention.

"Hmm" he mumbles while his lips start their way down my neck.

"I'd love to do this with you. But I want to be married first. One, because my dad will shoot you if I get pregnant before I'm married and, two, I want to be married before I lose my v-card to you." I say and he smiles pulling away from my neck.

"Your still a virgin?" he asks looking into my eyes and I nod.

"That makes me so happy." He says pulling me up off the bed and into a hug.

"Ross." I whisper when my hand touches 'it'.

"Your towel" I say and he frowns... I think. He pulls away and kissed my forehead before backing up and giving me a view I didn't want to see. I shifted my view to the ceiling, it's white somewhat chipped paint becoming very interesting. I waited till I heard him close his boxer drawer. When I did hear it I slowly looked down to see Ross with boxers and skinny(ish) Faded grey jeans on while putting a tight white shirt on his arms and putting it over his head. He walked over to me and kissing me, then picking me up , he carried me downstairs and into the kitchen. He set me down at the island on one of the white cushioned chairs. Seconds later Kenzie joined me on the stool next to me and we waited chatting a little. About 7 minutes later Ross set plates in front of us and sat on the stool to my left with a plate of his own. After eating breakfast I took my plate to the kitchen sink and rinsed it off before putting it in the dishwasher. I then walked to the living room and sat down. I suddenly got thirsty and walked back into the kitchen and smiled. Ross was holding Kenzie by the waist over the sink so she could wash off her plate. He set her down then washed off his plate and set it in the dishwasher and looked at me smiling at them.

"What?" They asked simultaneously. Then looked at each other and laughed. Then Kenzie ran out into the living room and started the TV. I walked up to Ross and hugged his waist while looking at him.

"I saw that." I said standing on my tippy toes and quickly pressing my lips to his and pulling away. Just then the back door broke in and two men came rolling in with bronze poles and a shot gun with what looks like bronze bullets in the bullet holders.

"Who are you?" I ask and they look at me. Ross slightly pushes me behind him and Kenzie walks in.

"Kenzie come here." I say and the man grabs her and holds a hand gun to her head. She starts crying and I try to get out from behind Ross.

"Kenzie. No please don't hurt her." I scream and tears fall. Riker comes running in at his vampire speed and the men snap their heads to him.

"Who are you?" Riker asks the men and the shortish one with short brown hair and eyes so brown their almost black.

Regardless (Raura Vampire)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora