Angel Baby

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Angel Baby - HaeSoo
She woke up from his tiny kisses on her jaw and neck. His breath tickling her baby hair behind her ear. Her lips pasted a beautiful smile before looking behind her and accepting his kisses properly.
Haein brushed his lips against hers. Jisoo's eyes fluttered open and the beautiful sight of Haein in the morning light while his disheveled hair sticking out in every direction made her heart swell with happiness.
"Good morning, sweetheart," he greeted her before sweeping down and giving her morning kiss.
She let go of the sheets covering her body and ran her fingers through his broad shoulder to his hair. His mother's old simple band ring on her finger glistened even so beautifully at the morning light.
Her piece of heaven on Earth is him, inside his arms while drowning with his kisses, and unmindful of the world.

"When are you coming home?"
Jisoo flicked her thumb against her teeth as she stared at Haein from the telephone booth she's currently in. Haein's on the other side of the road, buying their supplies from the smallest for her but biggest grocery store in this town.
"How long do you think you can do this, Jisoo Kim?"
"Soon..." she said under her breath.
"How soon? Do you know how it frustrates me that I can't contact you unless you call me first? Where the hell are you, anyway? Come back home now!"
Jisoo snapped back from staring at Haein. "I'm home now, Saerom. And I'm safe, I call you every weekend. Let me have this space."
"You've been gone for three months now. People are starting to wonder where is The Jisoo Kim now."
She momentarily closed her eyes. The anxiety she have three months ago is slowly creeping in again, but then she saw Haein looked at her direction. He smiled and waved.
"I need one more month, Saerom. I promise I'm coming back after that."
Her manager got silent on the end. "You have a guy, 'no? You met someone that's why you're not coming back?"
She tapped her fingers against the telephone. "It's bad, Saerom... I'm so into him so bad, I can't leave him..."
"Oh, my God, Jisoo! What are you thinking hooking up? What if he use this against you? You know you can't afford scandals now!"
"That's the thing, Saerom! He doesn't know who I am!" she said in a disbelieving tone. "The people in this place does not concern themselves on celebrities like me. No on knows who I am here."
"What? Are you for real? Where the hell are you?"
"Somewhere in South..." She tucked her long bangs behind her ear. "I am Jisoo Kim the writer here. No one knew that..."
"You're the famous model, influencer, and the new best actress of the country? Yeah, sure. Come home now, Jisoo or I will issue a search and rescue on you, stat."
Saerom cut the line before she can say anything. She bit her lips. Now, what is she gonna do? She doesn't want to leave this tiny town now that she finally got the peace and happiness she's been looking for since she was a kid.
It was only an accident finding this place. She was so burnt out from her work three months ago and she went on a backpacked travel alone. She got lost and eventually came in this tiny town in a province far away from the city.
This is where she met Haein Jung who helped her that one rainy night. He gave her room to live for a while, food for her stomach, and reason to live again. In that three months, feelings bloomed between them and now she doesn't want to leave.
How can she tell him that the woman he loves is famous in the city and not an ordinary book author looking for a solemn place to write?

"How is it, sweetheart?"
Jisoo smiled sweetly at Haein and leaned on his body to hug him.
"The best, super delicous, so yummy," she answered back.
He chuckled. "I'm happy that you like my cooking, but I felt like you're just pulling my leg with your compliments."
She pouted at him. "I don't love you enough not to be honest when it comes to my food. I'm serious on my taste buds."
He smiled cheekily at her. "Then I should make you love me more so no matter what I feed you, you'll love them."
Her heart fluttered again at she looked up at his handsome face. Haein is muscular on his upper body and a little bit tanned because of his working hours in the field.
Not the typical look of the guys in the city. But he's totally her type.
"You should sit down now, let me finish this quick so we can eat."
She tightened her arms around him. "No, I don't wanna. Let me stay by your side."
"Ah, I did not know I will love having a clingy girlfriend."
She smiled at him. "You gotta stick with me forever, my love. Coz I'm not letting you go."
Haein pecked her lips and caressed her cheek. "Sweetheart, you must've saw my dream because that's what I'm hoping for since I met and love you."

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