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Sunroof - Haesoo
"Stuck on the thought of you..."

"...and then he told me that he wanted a break, Jisoo. I thought it was just a break on what we were arguing about, but it was a break from us!" Heejin whined from the other line. "He pulled a Rachel Green on me, Jisoo!"
Jisoo just hummed in answer and let her frien rant on the other line. She skimmed the spine of each books on the racks while she half-listened to Heejin.
She originally went to the bookstore to get new supplies for the Fiction Club. They were a group of college students who were not in any Comm or English literature major that gathers around once in a while to review a book or share new books to read.
It was fun for a Engineering student like her. Now, they have at least 20 students in the club and offically part of the student org.
"Maybe he's just tired, Heejin... Just give him time to rest, yeah?" she whispered.
"No. We're done! I don't like a guy who wanted to break off with me just because he is tired. I deserve someone better, you know?"
She nodded even though her friend can't see her. "Yes, that's good. You know what you want and deserve. I support."
And Heejin proceeded to cry and rant on the other line again.
Jisoo sighed and grabbed one book in the booksale rack. She kept the phone between her shoulder and ear while she read the synopsis at the back and check the inside pages.
She was so engrossed skimmed reading when a manly smell tickled her nose. The scent came and go. It made her forget the lines she was reading and dropped the book back to the rack. She hold her phone properly and cut short Heejin's ranting tirade.
"Hey, Heejin. I'm gonna call you later, okay? Bye!"
"But, Jis--!"
She slid her phone on the back of her jeans and peeked at the shelves. A tall guy, with a clean cut hair, and pretty--pretty for a guy--neck stood with his back on her and skimmed on the books.
The mole on the left side of his neck made him more charming and attractive from the back view. Not to mention the span of his shoulder generously filled in the white shirt he's wearing.
She wanted to see his face. Is his yummy smell and gorgeous back have the complete package of the face value?
Jisoo stopped what she was doing and immediately turned around.
"My gosh, Kim Jisoo. What am you doing?" she chastised herself. This is so wrong in so many levels.
But she's dying to know see what he looks like. Curiousity won over her self-preservation. She'll just take a look and then leave. She don't want to end up in a jail because of her curiousity.
She moved and walked beside the racks he's currently shuffling and made a split second to take a look. She quickly averted her eyes when he looked up on that split second.
Poker face and as if nothing happened, she moved at the book shelf on the other line where he was. She can see his neck and upper chest but she act like she don't care and continued feigning ignorance.
But internally, she was screaming profanities, calling all the deities of romance books, and shouting 'Thank you, Lord for this blessing!' inside her mind.
He was like, he was perfectly lifted from the pages of her favorite romance books. And maybe was a lead man in one of those dramas. And even possibly, her ideal guy.
How can a guy be cute like an angel and handsome as hell? Because he is! God blessed her eyes. Now it is time to get the hell out of here before this guy call the polic--
She shut up even her thoughts when the handsome as hell guy suddenly appeared on her side and pick out a book on the top shelf.
Jisoo knew she'll be hyperventilating soon if she did not get the hell out of there. But the book on his hand stopped her from leaving.
With a knotted forehead she looked up at him. "You're into werewolves?"
Surprised, he looked at her.
She pointed at the book. "That's a good book. But you need to read the first book of that series to know how the universe inside that book works. It is standalone, though. But..."
The cute as hell guy stared at her with confusion on his face. Jisoo bit her lip.
"I mean, it's up to you I guess if you want that? Sorry for being nosy..."
She was about to turn around when he talked.
"Miss, I'm sorry. I have no idea what you were talking about. I'm not being rude and you're not nosy."
She slid a tight lid on her thoughts before it spill on how much she wanted to gushed on how suave his voice to her ears.
"D-Do you know what kind of book you're holding?" she asked. A little bit shy.
"I have no idea," he said with a sheepish smile.
"It's part of a series." She took what she knew was the first book in that series. "Here. I recommend you read this first."
"Ah, thanks... You mentioned that there are werewolves here?"
"Yes. For a guy, you have a very unique preference. I haven't met a guy who wanted to read a paranormal romance."
It was comical how his jaw dropped and his cute eyes almost bulged out. "A what?!"
"Ah, yeah? This is the paranormal romance section?" She waved at the signage above.
The handsome like an angel ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Damn it. I'm hopeless in this."
"Oh? You don't like that? Here, this is a vampire slayer who fell in love--"
He grabbed her hand to stop her from shoving more books on his direction.
"No, I'm sorry, you're mistaken." He gave her an embarrassed look again. "I'm just looking for a good book to gift on my fifteen year old cousin. And I have no idea what to get her. I only knew she likes books but I have no idea what genre."
Understanding dawned on her. She should be turned off. A guy who is not even remotely interested in books is here in the fiction section looking for a gift that maybe if she did not interefere will get the worst gift for a fifteen year old girl.
But instead she found him endearing as he tried to get back the books neatly where he got them.
"I don't really read books. I prefer watching movies. But this sounds like an interesting book as you mentioned earlier," he said about the werewolf book.
"Don't even think about getting that for your cousin."
He chukled. "Why? You recommended this."
"I thought it was for you! And you're obviously not a minor." She grabbed the book again. "This is rated SPG. Unless you wanted to get smack in the head."
His chuckles turned into full laughter. "Oh, God. I can imagine Yoojin smacking me for giving this to her."
"I suggest you find out first what she likes then you come back here and ask the sales lady which are the popular books on the genre she likes."
The guy nodded and smiled. "Okay, thanks for the advice."
"It was nothing. Just don't buy this," she said and pointed at the whole racks of paranormal romance.
He laughed again. "I hope I'll run to you again here when I come back. You were helpful and seemed like you can recommend anything."
She shrugged her shoulders to act like it was nothing. But her heart was tickled by that. She can't believe she's feeling giddy over a handsome stranger.
A handsome and cute stranger you sniffed and checked out earlier, Kim Jisoo!
Okay, enough.
"Hey, are you sure you don't know anything about her interest?"
She wanted to smacked herself. Enough? How can she get enough of this handsome creature? If this was one of those paranormal romance books she loved to read, she would have already jumped him and bit him on his neck because he's so damn gorgeous and yummy--OKAY, ENOUGH!
"Yoojin likes spooky stuffs. She's into karma, talking to the universe, and energies..." He looked thoughtful for a second. "I heard she's into fortune telling now. It will be her party's theme this year."
That explains the reason why he's in the paranormal --sans the romance--section.
"I have an idea," she smiled at him, her brain already thinking where that certain section was. "You will give her the perfect gift."
She helped the guy choose the gift. He was hesitant at first but she explained why that was the perfect gift. In the end, he got that. They said their goodbyes at the counter. She felt hesitant to leave at first but whe she looked back, he's already walking away.
"I think I made the worst decision of my life."
Haein stopped typing on his laptop and turned his head at Haejoon who just barged in and dropped on his bed.
"What happened?"
"I think I made the worst decision of my life."
He grabbed his eraser and throw it on his brother's face. Hard. It made a thunk sound when it hit Haejoon's forehead.
"Yah!" Haejoon shouted.
"Get out of my room if you're gonna talk nonsense."
"You're so boring." Haejoon dropped on his bed again.
"I'm not boring..." His eyes drifted on the paper bag on top of his desk. It was his gift for Yoojin's birthday. Beneath the paper bag was a book still wrapped on those brown bags. "Today, someone told me I'm unique."
"Dude, who?!" Haejoon exclaimed.
He did not mind his brother and just went back on his laptop. "Get out of my room, Haejoon."
"Fine. Fine. Hey, did you get a gift for Yoojin? What did you get?"
He grabbed the gift bag and swiftly put it on his drawer and locked it. "Not telling."
"Yah, what the hell is that?" Haejoon laughed.
"It is the perfect gift for Yoojin," he said. He was reluctant earlier but when he ponder on it, he believe that it really was.
She is right. Whoever she is.
He stopped typing after Haejoon went out and closed his door. He was distracted since earlier. He kept thinking of the woman he met in the book store earlier.
She have the most beautiful face he had ever seen. Her eyes smiled when she smiled. And those eyes, it was stuck on his mind. He can't get her out of his thoughts.
He made the worst decision of his life earlier, too.
He was too busy debating if he should get her number or ask for her name. When he looked again, she was gone.
All she left was the paranormal romance book she recommended. It was not the first in the series but it was standalone, she said. It was a werewolve story, she said. And a rated SPG book, she said. She talked about this with so much gusto, she must have loved it.
So, he bought it. And he did not know what he would do to it.
All he wanted is another chance to see and talk to her again.

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