Running Up That Hill

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Running Up That Hill - Haesoo

When Jung Haein got mad and went (a little) crazy with WhyGee’s demand on do’s and don’ts for dating his girlfriend Kim Jisoo.


Rules on Dating Kim Jisoo
1. No more selfie together after Snowdrop
2. No interaction online
3. No interaction in front of mass people
4. No unchaperoned dates
5. No late night dates outside/inside

1.  Follow the Don’ts


Haein is pissed—it was understatement. He was mad-mad as he stared at the piece of paper Saerom, Jisoo’s manager gave him.

“This is absurd,” he muttered under his breath.

“Sorry, hyung,” Saerom said with a grimace.

“Don’t tell me the other girls’ boyfriends also signed these demands?” He asked.

Saerom leaned in. “You were found out, Hyung. The other girls hid their relationships better. Jisoo warned you about this but you went and gave hint to people even after Snowdrop.”

Haein wants to shout in frustration.

He kept on forgetting that Jisoo is a superstar and one of the greatest asset of her agency whenever he’s with her.

She’s so down to earth, simple, and kind on her own, he sometimes forgets that one aspect of her life. She’s one of their money maker.

Another groan of frustration and he looked down at the paper. It was only an acknowledgment and not a contract. But it was unbelievable and he felt that constriction that he despise.

“Fine,” he hissed and signed his name at the end of the paper.

He kept one thing inside his mind. These rules will be worthless if Jisoo’s happiness will be put in line.


Haein is gritting his teeth and his jaw clenching as he listened to Saerom’s rant again. He wanted to laugh but at the same time he’s annoyed that his babe time with Jisoo after the Water Bomb issue was interrupted.

He looked at Jisoo’s amused face and his mood lightened up a little bit better.

“Hyung, are you listening?” Saerom frustratedly ran his hand over his face. “You guys are putting me in a tight spot.”

“What did we do this time?” He asked innocently.

Saerom gave him a look saying if he was kidding.

“Rule number four and five, hyung!” To emphasize more, Saerom had his hands up in the air in four and five.

He shrugged his shoulder. “Jisoo was jealous—ow! I meant, she was pissed earlier. Baby...” he looked at her with knotted forehead while massaging his arm that she pinched.

“I’m not jealous?” She hissed under her breath.

“You just admitted you were a little bit!” He defended.

“You must be dreaming or maybe your head got knocked over those knockers,” she said innocently but anyone would be a fool to believe that. “You misheard me earlier.”

He smiled and kissed her cheek. Jisoo can deny all she wants but he knew her better now. Her snide remarks will only amuse him. Her jealousy will always be adorable for him.

“What do I need to do so you can forget those pictures?” He asked while kissing her cheek and hair.

Jisoo giggled when his breath tickled her ear. “Nothing.”

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